Does Stack Exchange use LaTeX?

TeX – LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.

How do you write a limit on MathJax?

To make the limit mentioned above, limx→1×2−1x−1, simply use $\lim\limits_{x \to 1} \dfrac{x^2-1}{x-1}$ . And that is how you make a limit using MathJax.

What is LaTeX or MathML?

The main point is that LaTeX can be coded by hand; MathML typically is produced by either an equation editor (like MathType) or through a conversion process from LaTeX (which MathType can do).

How do you write the numerator and denominator in LaTeX?

Fractions and binomial coefficients of math equations in LaTeX are written using the \frac and \binom command respectively. We use the \frac command to display fractions. The expression between the first pair of brackets is the numerator and in the second is the denominator.

What is the purpose of LaTeX?

LaTeX, software used for typesetting technical documents. LaTeX is a free software package created in 1985 by the American computer scientist Leslie Lamport as an addition to the TeX typesetting system. LaTeX was created to make it easier to produce general-purpose books and articles within TeX.

What is the varmax model in statistics?

The VARMAX model is generically specified as: y t = ν + A 1 y t − 1 + ⋯ + A p y t − p + B x t + ϵ t + M 1 ϵ t − 1 + … M q ϵ t − q where y t is a k_endog × 1 vector. The VARMAX class in statsmodels allows estimation of VAR, VMA, and VARMA models (through the order argument), optionally with a constant term (via the trend argument).

How to write the estimated variance symbol in latex?

How would I represent the estimated variance symbol in LaTeX: i.e, \\Var ( au) for Var (τ) . But how to write with an inverted V symbol above the Var, basically the symbol for estimated variance

Is there a simple varx model with no constant term?

Below is a simple VARX (2) model in two endogenous variables and an exogenous series, but no constant term. Notice that we needed to allow for more iterations than the default (which is maxiter=50) in order for the likelihood estimation to converge.

How to define argmin and argmax operators in latex?

As Pieter pointed out, the correct way to define argmin and argmax operators in LaTeX is: usepackage {amsmath} DeclareMathOperator* {argmax} {arg,max} DeclareMathOperator* {argmin} {arg,min} Actually, using the amsopn package would be sufficient but it’s loaded by amsmath internally, which is recommended for math typesetting anyway.