How do DJs get free music?

12 Places to Legally Download Free DJ Music

  1. SoundCloud. Probably one of the better-known sources to legally download free DJ music.
  2. Free Music Archive. Otherwise known as FMA, Free Music Archive offers free tracks under the creative commons license.
  3. Bandcamp.
  4. ReverbNation.
  5. Soundclick.
  6. Beatstars.
  7. Jamendo.
  8. CCTrax.

Where can I download a track for free?

The 10 Best Free Music Download Sites to Legally Download Music for Free

  1. YouTube Audio Library. The YouTube Audio Library is mainly aimed at people who need royalty-free production music to use in videos.
  2. Free Music Archive.
  3. Jamendo.
  4. NoiseTrade.
  5. Musopen.
  6. Amazon.
  7. The Internet Archive.
  8. ReverbNation.

Where do the DJ get their music?


  • Record Pools. Record pools are popular when it comes to where do DJs get their music.
  • ITunes/Amazon Music. Unless you have been living under a rock you’ll be aware of both iTunes and Amazon.
  • Beatport.
  • Traxsource.
  • Bleep.
  • Soundcloud.
  • Independent Artist Hubs.
  • Free Music Archive.

Where can I download mixes?

4 Essential Websites to Download Free DJ Mixes & Sets

  • Featuring some face-melting mixes from right across the electronic music genre, EgoThieves is the collective name for Jenai and JC Adams, as well as a select number of other quality DJs.
  • The Mixing Bowl.

Can DJs play any song?

DJ’s do not need any permission or licenses to play songs legally, since the club/restaurant/bar where the gig takes place are responsible for it. Also- if playing at a private event, such as a wedding, licenses are not required at all.

Where can I download free DJ music?

Bensound is a site that’s popular with content creators and music supervisors because most of the tracks here are royalty free. That means you can legally download free DJ music from here and use the tracks in your sets or mixtapes.

Do DJs still download their music?

While music streaming in DJ apps is starting to proliferate thanks to software integrations like Beatport LINK, Beatsource LINK and TIDAL, the fact is that an overwhelming majority of DJs still download their music, and will do so for the near future.

How to ask a DJ/producer for a free track?

It’s acceptable to reach out to a DJ/producer (“sending a DM” in internet speak) to ask for a track that isn’t available as a free download, but you’ve got to do it in a way that isn’t spammy and, more importantly, presents something of value to the DJ/producer in exchange for the free tune.

Where can I download drum and bass tracks?

Since 1996, Juno has been acquiring a huge catalogue of dance tracks available to download in a range of formats. This online dance music store originated in London and features many drum and bass tracks.