How do I add a link to a section in LaTeX?

Include sepackage{hyperref} in the preamble of your document. Assign proper labels to your sections and reference these labels using \ref{} . These references will then be turned into clickable links when creating PDFs with pdflatex.

How do I reference a section in LaTeX?

In LaTeX you can easily reference a section by using \label{} next to a section and then \ref{} to create the reference. However, the reference only includes the number of the section, or the page with \pageref{} .

How do you refer a section in Overleaf?

Referencing the page of an element Elements usually are referenced by a number assigned to them, but if you need to, you can insert the page where they appear. \section{Math references} \label{mathrefs} As mentioned in section \ref{introduction}, different elements can be referenced within a document.

How do you insert a link in Overleaf?

Links to a web address or email can added to a LaTeX file using the rl command to display the actual link or \href to use a hidden link and show a word/sentence instead. There are two commands in the example that generate a link in the final document: \href{}{Something Linky}

What is the difference between the paragraph and link break tags?

When a line break is inserted the cursor moves down a single line, which is different from the paragraph which ends the paragraph and starts a new one. When you hold Shift and press Enter a line break tag is inserted ( ) and the text entered after the line break will appear on the next line down.

How do I add a hidden link to a LaTeX file?

Links to a web address or email can added to a LaTeX file using the url command to display the actual link or href to use a hidden link and show a word/sentence instead.

Can latex be used for hyperlinks?

Hyperlinks LaTeX is a great tool for printable professional-looking documents, but can be also used to generate PDF files with excellent navigation tools. This article describes how to create hyperlinks in your document, and how to set up LaTeX documents to be viewed with a PDF-reader.

Can latex be used to generate a PDF?

LaTeX is a great tool for printable professional-looking documents, but can be also used to generate PDF files with excellent navigation tools. This article describes how to create hyperlinks in your document, and how to set up LaTeX documents to be viewed with a PDF-reader.

What is the difference between hypertex and pdfTeX?

The hypertex package can do some of the same things, and is a little more lightweight. But my recollection is that it’s a little fragile, and may not be much maintained any more. You can do some of this stuff with PDF specials (see the pdftex manual), but that’s getting a little hardcore, and requires you to know quite a bit about PDF.