How do you calculate tons per km?

Available Tonne Kilometres (ATK) – a way of measuring an airline’s transportation capacity. Calculated by multiplying the capacity – in number of tonnes available – for the transport of revenue load (passengers and cargo) by the distance flown.

How is airline capacity calculated?

Average Aircraft Capacity The measure is derived by dividing total available seat miles flown by the number of aircraft miles flown.

What is airline terminology?

The terminology used in aviation is the whole of the concepts and codes uttered by the pilot, co-pilot, flight attendant, cabin crew, tower, traffic controller, etc. during a flight. All other occupations have their own jargon. However, it is different in the aviation industry.

What is RPK and FTK?

RPK: Revenue-Passenger-Kilometers; ASK: Available-Seat-Kilometers; PLF: Passenger-Load-Factor; FTK: Freight-Tonne-Kilometers; AFTK: Available Freight Tonne Kilometers; FLF: Freight Load Factor; All Figures are expressed in % change Year on Year except PLF and FLF which are the load factors for the specific month.

How is RTK calculated in aviation?

It is calculated as the number of revenue passengers multiplied by the total distance traveled. Since it measures the actual demand for air transport, it is often referred to as airline “traffic.”

What is revenue tonne?

A revenue ton is a unit measure used in marine transport, on which a shipment is freighted. Cargo is rated as weight or measure (W/M) depending on the commodity. Weights are based on metric tons and 1 metric ton = 1,000 Kilograms (2,205 lbs.)

What is difference between tons and tonnes?

As with the majority of the world’s nations which have adopted the Metric system, go with tonne. If you’re in the US, the easy way to remember it is 2000lbs is a Ton, while 1000kg is a tonne (or metric Ton). Hopefully, now it’s easier to work out which is heavier; a Ton of feathers or a tonne of bricks.

What is flight capacity?

Airline capacity reflects the planned total seat capacity airlines expect to offer in the upcoming months. Change in seat capacity is subject to normal changes in supply and demand and country-to-country air agreements.

What is RPK aviation?

Revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) – also called Passenger kilometres perfromed (PKP): one revenue passenger-kilometre means that one passenger is carried on one kilometre.

How is cargo RTK calculated?

Cargo traffic unit revenue per revenue tonne kilometre: Cargo Revenue by product divided by Revenue tonne kilometres (RTK).