How do you create a command in SC?

The SC Create command uses the following format: sc create serviceName binpath= “path\to\service-wrapper-7.4.exe” optionName= optionValue where: create is the command to be run by SC (this command name is mandatory to create a service).

How do I create a service using SC exe?

To create service:

  1. Open windows command prompt as run as administrator.
  2. Type sc.exe create SERVICE NAME binpath= “SERVICE FULL PATH”
  3. don’t give space in SERVICE NAME.
  4. After binpath= and before ” space should be there.
  5. in SERVICE FULL PATH give the service exe file full path.
  6. Example:

How do I create a Windows dummy service?

1 Answer

  1. Create a dummy.bat file in C:\ with contents “pause”
  2. Extract nssm.exe (x86 or x64) to C:\Windows\nssm.exe.
  3. Run “nssm install”
  4. Path: C:\dummy.bat.
  5. Service name – As you wish!
  6. Hit “Install service”

How do I create a Windows service from the command-line?

Perform the following:

  1. Start up the command prompt (CMD) with administrator rights.
  2. Type c:\windows\\framework\v4. 0.30319\installutil.exe [your windows service path to exe]
  3. Press return and that’s that!

How do I manually create a service?

A service set to Manual can be started in one of several ways:

  1. From the Services applet in Control Panel.
  2. From an MS-DOS command prompt, type the following command: Console Copy. NET START
  3. Use the Sc.exe utility from the Resource Kit. Type the following command from an MS-DOS command prompt: Console Copy.

What is SC query command?

Sc query command is used to obtains and displays information about the specified service, driver, type of service, or type of driver.

How do I make a program run as a service?

Let’s talk about how to set it up.

  1. Step One: Install SrvStart. To run an app as a service, you’re going to need a small, third-party utility.
  2. Step Two: Create a Configuration File for the New Service.
  3. Step Three: Use the Command Prompt to Create the New Service.

What is a sc command?

The Service Controller utility SC is a powerful command-line utility for managing Windows services. Its various capabilities and functions are discussed here. Many processes and functions of the Windows operating system and other software are classified under the general rubric of “services”.

How do I create a new service?

Steps to create a user-defined service

  1. At an MS-DOS command prompt(running CMD.EXE), type the following command: Console Copy.
  2. Run Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) and locate the following subkey:
  3. From the Edit menu, select Add Key.
  4. Select the Parameters key.
  5. From the Edit menu, select Add Value.
  6. Close Registry Editor.

What is sc config?

Specifies a name of an account in which a service will run, or specifies a name of the Windows driver object in which the driver will run. The default setting is LocalSystem. displayname= Specifies a descriptive name for identifying the service in user interface programs.

What is net start?

The net start command is used to start a network service or list running network services. statistics. Use the net statistics command to show the network statistics log for the Server or Workstation service. stop. The net stop command is used to stop a network service.

How do I create a Windows service using SC create command?

The SC Createcommand uses the following format: sc create serviceNamebinpath= “path o\\service-wrapper-7.4.exe” optionName= optionValue… where: createis the command to be run by SC(this command name is mandatory to create a service). serviceNameis the name of the Windows service to be created.

What is SCSC create command syntax?

SC Create command syntax This topic describes the various options of the SCcommand with the Createcommand option. The SCcommand communicates with the Windows Service Controller and installed services. When used with its createcommand option, you can use it to create a Windows service under which the Endeca Server will run.

How do I use the sc command?

The SCcommand communicates with the Windows Service Controller and installed services. When used with its createcommand option, you can use it to create a Windows service under which the Endeca Server will run. The SC Createcommand uses the following format:

What is the use of SC create in service control manager?

Sc create. Creates a subkey and entries for a service in the registry and in the Service Control Manager database.