How do you date old tintype photos?

Identifying characteristics: The thickness of the card stock, the color of its borders and whether it has rounded corners (1870s to 1900) or square corners (after 1900) can often help determine the date of a photograph. Many prints also included the name and location of the photography studio on the bottom of the card.

How do you identify a tintype?

Here are six clues to look for when identifying your mystery tintypes:

  1. Cases. As with daguerreotypes and ambrotypes, photographers sealed early tintypes in cases.
  2. Paper sleeves. The tintype was usually presented to a customer in a paper sleeve, rather than cases.
  3. Size.
  4. Revenue stamps.
  5. Clothing.
  6. Family information.

Can old tintypes be restored?

Therefore, when making digital copies and restorations of tintypes, the most important step of the process is getting a good scan of the original. This is one case where you do not want to use your scanner’s default settings. Doing so will get you an image that looks exactly like what your eyes see.

What is the difference between ambrotype and tintype?

Ambrotypes were developed on a glass plate, while tintypes were made on a thin iron plate. You can test to see if an image is a tintype by applying a small magnet to see if it attracts. However, this method is not foolproof. I’ve found a few ambrotypes that were backed with a metal plate which also attracted a magnet.

When did tin type photos start?

Tintypes, originally known as or ferrotypes or melainotypes, were invented in the 1850s and continued to be produced into the 20th century. The photographic emulsion was applied directly to a thin sheet of iron coated with a dark lacquer or enamel, which produced a unique positive image.

Can you scan a tintype?

If you have a tintype, you should make a copy to display so the original can be kept safely stored. You can either scan a copy or take a photograph of the tintype.