How do you teach paraphrasing?

Key strategies for paraphrase

  1. Read the portion of text you want to paraphrase.
  2. Make sure you understand it.
  3. After you’ve read the text, make notes of what you read, without using the author’s words or structure.
  4. Using only your notes, write all of the important ideas of the text using own words.

What are the 3 key techniques in paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing techniques Use synonyms or change the word order of your sentence. Compare with the original to see whether you are conveying the same meaning. Record the source details so you can easily cite it later.

What are the 5 steps to paraphrasing?

  1. Step 1: Read the text. Step 2: Remove the text. Step 3: Explain the text out loud.
  2. (Repeat Steps 1 and 2, if necessary.)
  3. Step 4: Write down your paraphrase.
  4. Step 5: Confirm facts, statistics, and spellings with the original text.
  5. 5 Steps to Paraphrasing.
  6. Author Ideas.
  7. © 2007 Smekens Education Solutions, Inc.

How do I teach my child to paraphrase?

Paraphrase Together

  1. Reword Replace words and phrases with synonyms whenever you can.
  2. Rearrange Rearrange words within sentences to make new sentences.
  3. Realize that some words and phrases cannot be changed names, dates, titles, etc.
  4. Recheck Make sure that your paraphrase conveys the same meaning as the original text.

How do you explain paraphrasing to a child?

Paraphrasing is taking what someone else has written or said and putting it into your own words. Remember, authors want credit for their work, and paraphrasing is how you can use information from another source in your own work.

What are the strategies in paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing Strategies

  • Locate the individual statements or major idea units in the original.
  • Change the order of ideas, maintaining the logical connections among them.
  • Substitute synonyms for words in the original, making sure the language in your paraphrase is appropriate for your audience.

How do you teach paraphrasing in ESL?

ESL Paraphrasing Activities & Games

  1. Use your own words.
  2. Don’t repeat sentence structure or copy words. Instead, vary the sentence structure and use a combination of synonyms and alternative phrases.
  3. Don’t add new information to your paraphrase. Stick to the original ideas and main points.

How do you teach paraphrasing to ESL students?

Rules for paraphrasing:

  1. Use your own words.
  2. Don’t repeat sentence structure or copy words. Instead, vary the sentence structure and use a combination of synonyms and alternative phrases.
  3. Don’t add new information to your paraphrase. Stick to the original ideas and main points.

What is chunking method in paraphrasing?

Technique #2: Chunking method Divide the sentence(s) into chunks (these are often grammatical clauses). Underline each chunk, focusing on how you can divide the sentence into phrases. Re-write each chunk in your own words. Combine these rewritten chunks into one or more sentences to create a paraphrase.

How do you paraphrase for kids?

When you paraphrase, you take the big ideas and put them into your own words. When paraphrasing, it’s fine to use some of the same words, but not all of them. You obviously wouldn’t want to change things like names, places, or dates as those are specific facts, but everything else should be in your own words.

How do you explain paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s ideas into your own words. Paraphrasing a source involves changing the wording while preserving the original meaning. Paraphrasing is an alternative to quoting (copying someone’s exact words and putting them in quotation marks).

How to teach paraphrasing to kids?

Kids who don’t learn to paraphrase well will not only grow into poor writers but may also even resort to plagiarism, which is not at all a good thing. Here is a step by step plan for teaching paraphrasing to your students. At its essence, paraphrasing is putting something into your own words, so begin by having student do just that.

What are some good resources for paraphrasing?

Academic Phrasebank: Ready-made phrases help students organize their sentences when they paraphrase. The site provides sentence starters for defining ideas, comparing and contrasting ideas, describing cause and effect, and explaining evidence to support statements.

What is paraphrase activity?

Paraphrase. This is a versatile paraphrasing activity that can be used many ways. Help your students understand paraphrasing. Teach the students the 3 steps of paraphrasing, read, think, and write in your own words. This paraphrase activity will give your students plenty of practice with paraphrasin

How do you paraphrase a paragraph in a class?

Paraphrase Together. Try paraphrasing a short paragraph together as a class. Display the paragraph with your document camera or on the board. You may want to give your students their own copies. Make sure your students know the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing.