How many b52 shot down in Vietnam?

19 B

What difficulties did American soldiers face in Vietnam?

The US military did little to combat drug abuse until 1971. 1. Soldiers on both sides faced many difficulties and challenges during the Vietnam War – including climate, terrain, the complex political situation and unclear military objectives.

Why did Mexico join ww2?

Mexico became an active belligerent in World War II in 1942 after Germany sank two of its tankers. The Mexican foreign secretary, Ezequiel Padilla, took the lead in urging other Latin American countries to support the Allies as well. A small Mexican air unit operated with the United States in the Philippines.

Why did the US get involved in Vietnam?

The U.S. entered the Vietnam War in an attempt to prevent the spread of communism, but foreign policy, economic interests, national fears, and geopolitical strategies also played major roles.

Was General Patton wealthy?

Growing Up Spoiled, Wealthy and Privileged Patton grew up not only extremely spoiled, but also wealthy and privileged, and his father had no hesitation in giving the boy anything he wanted, including two horses of his own when he was 10 years old.

Is Patton on Netflix?

Watch Patton on Netflix Today!

How many American soldiers died from snake bites in Vietnam?

How many American soldiers in Vietnam were killed by poisonous snakes? Non-hostile deaths are listed, unofficially, at 10,786. Of those 9,107 were a result of accidents, 236 were homicides, 123 presumed dead (no cause), and 938 died of illness.

Who was the best American general in ww2?

George S. Patton Jr.

Was Patton ever a 5 star general?

George Patton achieved four-star rank for his battlefield exploits as one of the best commanders of mechanized forces on either side during the War. He succeeded Dwight D. Eisenhower as the Military Governor of the U.S. Occupation Zone in Germany, when Ike — a five-star general — was promoted to Army Chief of Staff.

How many American generals died in ww2?

Nearly 1,100 U.S. Army generals served at some point during World War II, and of those about 40 died during or immediately following the war. Not all were in combat units, and some were not in enemy territory when they died.

What happened to Patton after the war?

At 6:00 a.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep. A blood clot in his paralyzed body had worked its way to his heart, stopping it and ending the life of one of America’s greatest battlefield commanders.

How true is the movie Patton?

What has been termed “The Speech” in this film is completely accurate; only a few lines have been omitted in the scene due to time constraints. It was an oration the real Patton delivered countless times to units of his 3d Army before the invasion of France in June 1944.

What was the life expectancy of a door gunner in Vietnam?

5 minutes

What is General George Patton most famous for?

Considered one of the most successful combat generals in U.S history, George Patton was the first officer assigned to the Tank Corps in WWI. During WWII, he helped lead the Allies to victory in the invasion of Sicily, and was instrumental to the liberation of Germany from the Nazis.

How many POWs are still in Vietnam?

Current Status of Unaccounted-for Americans Lost in the Vietnam War

Vietnam Total
Original Missing 1,973 2,646
Repatriated and Identified 728 1,061[1]
Remaining Missing 1,245 1,585

How many soldiers died on their first day in Vietnam?

997 soldiers

Why did America fail in Vietnam?

America “lost” South Vietnam because it was an artificial construct created in the wake of the French loss of Indochina. Because there never was an “organic” nation of South Vietnam, when the U.S. discontinued to invest military assets into that construct, it eventually ceased to exist.

What was the most dangerous job in Vietnam?

There were two most deadly jobs: Chopper machine gunner who had to fire while manning an exposed machine gun every time the chopper came in and flew out.

Why was Vietnam a failure?

Although a number of factors and influences, domestic and international, contributed to America’s defeat in Vietnam, the overriding reason the United States lost the war was one that has often fueled nations’ losing military efforts throughout history: the fundamental error in strategic judgment called “refighting the …

Why did George C Scott refuse the Oscar for Patton?

Scott had previously been nominated for Academy Awards, and had made his disinterest known. Even though the Academy knew he might protest, they nominated him for Patton — his performance was so overpowering, there was no leaving him out.

Did General Patton die in a car accident?

General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. 3rd Army, dies from injuries suffered not in battle but in a freak car accident. He was 60 years old.

How many Vietnam pilots died?

Almost all were Army. Total helicopter pilots killed in the Vietnam War was 2,202. Total non-pilot crew members was 2704. Based on a databasefrom the Pentagon, we estimate that over 40,000 helicopter pilots served in the Vietnam War.

Why Eddie Slovik executed?

On January 31, 1945, Eddie D. Slovik was executed for desertion—the only U.S. soldier of the war to suffer that fate. His story inspired a popular book and a film in which actor Martin Sheen portrays the private in his final moments.

What were the odds of dying in Vietnam?

One out of every 10 Americans who served in Vietnam was a casualty. 58,148 were killed and 304,000 wounded out of 2.7 million who served. Although the percent that died is similar to other wars, amputations or crippling wounds were 300 percent higher than in World War II.