Was 2016 the year of the rat?

2016 Chinese Zodiac Rat in Monkey Year Prediction. 2016 is the Year of the Red Monkey. You were born in the Year of the Rat. The following is the Red Monkey year prediction for people born in year of Rat.

What year is wood Rat?

Years of the Rat and the Five Elements

Rat Year Lunar Zodiac Year Element and Sign
1996 Feb. 19, 1996 – Feb. 6, 1997 Fire Rat
1984 Feb. 2, 1984 – Feb. 19, 1985 Wood Rat
1972 Feb. 15, 1972 – Feb. 2, 1973 Water Rat
1960 Jan. 28, 1960 – Feb. 14, 1961 Gold Rat

What year is wood Snake?

According to Chinese zodiac, 1965 is the year of the Snake. Therefore, people born in Chinese calendar year 1965, specifically frm February 2, 1965 to January 20, 1966 in Gregorian calendar is the Wood Snake; those people who born from January 1 to February 1 in 1965 belong to the previous Wood Dragon year.

What does a wood Snake symbolize?

Each zodiac sign is associated with one of the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, and the Chinese New Year explains what this means for the Snake. Wood Snake: Orderly, intelligent, knowledgeable in pop culture, and has a refined taste.

Is 2022 a good year for wood Snake?

Snake people (those born in the year of the Snake), according to Chinese astrological predictions, you will encounter some setbacks and difficulties in 2022, but in the end they will all be overcome and sorted out, and your overall fortune will not be bad.

Who Should Year of the Snake marry?

According to Chinese zodiac analysis, people born in the Year of the Snake are well compatible with Dragon and Rooster signs on the whole, and the couples in high compatibility can gain a happy and everlasting relationship no matter in love or marriage.

What are the years of the wood rat?

The years of the Wood Rat are 1924 and 1984. The Rat is the first of the repeating 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac, constituting part of the Chinese calendar system. The Rat more generally is associated with the midnight hours and therefore represents the beginning of a new day.

What is the year of the wood snake?

The year of the Wood Snake is 1965. The Snake is the sixth of the repeating 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac, constituting part of the Chinese calendar system. They represent intuition and are considered enigmatic creatures and it was chosen as the sixth animal in the zodiac because of the Jade emperor.

What year is the wood rat in the Chinese zodiac?

What year is the Wood Rat? The years of the Wood Rat are 1924 and 1984. The Rat is the first of the repeating 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac, constituting part of the Chinese calendar system. The Rat more generally is associated with the midnight hours and therefore represents the beginning of a new day.

What does the male rat value most from the female snake?

The smart and handsome male rat values the female snake’s wisdom very much. The shrewd and careful female snake is deeply moved by the male rat’s enthusiasm and honesty, regarding him as her ideal life partner.
