What are microsatellites used for?

Microsatellites are widely used for DNA profiling, also known as “genetic fingerprinting”, of crime stains (in forensics) and of tissues (in transplant patients). They are also widely used in kinship analysis (most commonly in paternity testing).

What are Minisatellites and microsatellites?

Conclusion. Microsatellite is a type of repetitive DNA in the eukaryotic genome with a 2-6 base pairs long repetitive sequences. They are widespread throughout the genome and can be used for paternity testing. On the other hand, minisatellite is a type of repetitive DNA with 10-100 base pairs long repetitive sequences.

What is a microsatellite microbiology?

Abstract. Microsatellites are repeating sequences of 2-6base pairs of DNA. Currently, they are used as molecular markers in many organisms, specifically in genetic studies analyzing kinship and population structure. In addition, they can be used to study gene duplication and/or deletion.

What is the difference between a microsatellite and an STR?

Repeats consisting of 1–9 nucleotides are generally known as microsatellites, or short tandem repeats (STRs), while longer repeats are known as minisatellites (Gemayel et al., 2010).

What is microsatellite of a cell?

Microsatellites are short, repeated sequences of DNA. Microsatellite instability-high cancer cells may have a defect in the ability to correct mistakes that occur when DNA is copied in the cell.

What are the minisatellites?

A minisatellite is a tract of repetitive DNA in which certain DNA motifs (ranging in length from 10 to 60 base pairs) are typically repeated 5–50 times. Minisatellites are notable for their high mutation rate and high diversity in the population, and they occur at more than 1000 locations in the human genome.

Why minisatellites are used in DNA fingerprinting?

Mini satellites have Mendelian inheritance, so that some of the bands detected in an individual will be common with those of the mother and others with those of the father. With PCR, minute amounts of DNA in a sample of blood, semen, or a hair are enough to establish DNA fingerprinting.

How do you analyze microsatellites?

Microsatellite marker analysis involves PCR amplification of the microsatellite loci using fluorescently labeled primers that flank the repeated sequence. The labeled PCR products are then analyzed by CE to separate the amplicons by size.

Was ist ein Mikrosatellit?

Mikrosatellit. Mikrosatelliten (synonym Simple Sequence Repeats, SSR, short tandem repeats, STR) sind kurze, nichtcodierende DNA -Sequenzen von zwei bis sechs Basenpaaren Länge, die im Genom eines Organismus oft wiederholt werden. Oftmals konzentrieren sich viele Wiederholungen am selben Locus (Position einer Sequenz).

Was ist eine Mikrosatelliteninstabilität?

Als Mikrosatelliten, oder auch short tandem repeats (STRs), bezeichnet man in der Genetik eine Serie sich wiederholender Elemente mit einer Größe von 2-6 Nukleotiden. Die Mikrosatelliteninstabilität spielt vor allem bei der Diagnose des hereditären non-polypösen kolorektalen Karzinoms ( HNPCC) eine Rolle.

Wie viele Mikrosatelliten gibt es im menschlichen Genom?

Mikrosatelliten kommen, je nach Zählung, über eine Million Mal im menschlichen Genom vor. Sequenziert man am Locus eines Mikrosatelliten, so erhält man Sequenzen wie „TAGTAGTAGTAGTAGTAG…“. Mikrosatelliten sind die häufigste Form repetitiver DNA. Am häufigsten sind die Dinukleotidwiederholungen vom Typ (CA)n. Diese machen etwa 0,5 % des Genoms aus.

Wie viele Wiederholungen gibt es in einem Mikrosatelliten?

Oftmals konzentrieren sich viele Wiederholungen am selben Locus (Auffindeort einer Sequenz). Die wiederholte Sequenz in einem Mikrosatelliten ist sehr einfach. Sie besteht aus zwei bis vier Nukleotiden und kann 10- bis 100-mal wiederholt auftreten.