What conjugation is Tambien?

también also too
conjugation no direct translation

What form of tener goes with yo?

Conjugation of Tener

yo tengo tenemos
tienes tenéis
él, ella, Ud. tiene tienen

What are all the forms of tener?

Present tense

yo tengo tenemos
tienes tenéis
él, ella, Ud. tiene tienen

Is it yo tambien or me Tambien?

In Spanish, we use yo también/yo tampoco/a mí también/a mí tampoco for “me too” or “me neither” (so do I, neither do I) as a response to something that someone has just said where we agree with them.

How do you use Tambien and tampoco?

Both words are used to express agreement, but in different situations:

  1. Tampoco is for agreeing to negative sentences.
  2. También is for agreeing to affirmative sentences.

How do you use the form tener?

The verb tener in Spanish means ‘to have’. Tener is also used to form many common expressions that we use with ‘to be’ in English….Expressions with Tener.

tener __ años to be __ years old
tener que to have to
tener ganas (de) to feel like
tener frío to be cold
tener calor to be hot

Is in Spanish conjugation?

Present Tense Conjugation for Ser

Spanish English
tú eres you are
él, ella, usted es he, she, it is (formal you are)
nosotros, nosotras somos we are
ustedes son you are

How do you use tener?

Tener (pronounced teh-nehr, with a soft ‘r’ at the end) means ‘to have’. In its most basic form, it is used to express possession and necessity. At other times, it is used commonly in phrasing in which you’d normally use the verb ‘to be~.

What is yo tambien te amo?

i love you too my love.

What does ‘Yo también’ mean in Spanish?

We use ‘yo también’ when we are the subject of the sentence. In other words, it means that you are the person who is doing the action. Let’s see some examples, so you have a better understanding:

What is the difference between ‘Gustar’ and ‘Yo también’?

As you may know, ‘gustar’ is a very special verb in Spanish. In other words, it works very different in comparison with other verbs. ‘A mí también’ is the expression that you use with verbs like ‘gustar’. So as you can imagine, ‘yo también’ is used with the rest of the verbs.

What is the meaning of Tampoco Tengo Sed?

REPLY Tampoco tengo sed. = Neither am I thirsty. Another option, however, is to put Tampoco at the end. However, if you do that you must add NO to ensure you have the famous Spanish double negative. No tengo sed, tampoco. = I’m not thirsty either.