What does P stand for in a VIN number?

Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN codes)/Model year

Code Years
M 1991, 2021
N 1992, 2022
P 1993, 2023
R 1994, 2024

What year is P in VIN?

The 10th Digit VIN Chart

10 Year
D 1983 P
E 1984 R
F 1985 S
G 1986 T

What 3 letters are not allowed in a VIN?

Besides the three letters that are not allowed in the VIN itself (I, O and Q), the letters U and Z and the digit 0 are not used for the model year code. The year code is the model year for the vehicle.

Which digit of VIN is country?

The first character of the VIN indicates the country in which the vehicle was manufactured. VIN’s starting with 1, 4, and 5 are manufactured in the United States. The third number or letter is used by the vehicle manufacturer to identify what kind of vehicle it is: car, truck, bus, etc.

How can you tell where a car was manufactured?

It’s not commonly known, but you can easily tell a car’s production location by simply looking at the first letter or number of a VIN. If the first character is 1, 4 or 5, then the car was built in the United States.

What letter of the VIN tells the Year?

10th character
The 10th character in the 17-character VIN represents the vehicle model-year. This standard applies to vehicles built in or after 1981.

How can I find out where my car was made?

How do you find out when your car was manufactured?

On the driver’s side door, there is usually a sticker placed by the manufacturer in between the door and the doorjamb, which contains a lot important information about your vehicle. Usually on this sticker, it will list the date of manufacture, or production date.