What is a DIA member?

DIA members are our most faithful supporters and regular visitors. Membership dues help to preserve, display and expand one of the world’s greatest collections of art, and provide you the gift of pride in supporting one of our community’s most vital resources.

What is DIA in pharmacy?

Founded in 1964, DIA (Drug Information Association) is an international, nonprofit, multidisciplinary association that fosters innovation for improved health and well-being worldwide.

Who does the Drug Information Association represent?

Our Community represents all professionals with a focus on innovating communication channels and facilitating scientific exchange with the health care community (health care professionals, patients, consumers, payers, regulators, and academicians).

What is DIA Conference?

The DIA 2022 Global Annual Meeting brings industry, regulators, academics, and patients together to co-create, problem-solve, and discuss global and local challenges facing professionals in the life sciences community.

Is Dia still active?

DIA (/ˈdaɪə/; Korean: 다이아; shortened from DIAMOND and backronym for Do It Amazing) is a South Korean girl group formed by MBK Entertainment….DIA (group)

Origin Seoul, South Korea
Genres K-pop
Years active 2015–present
Labels MBK PocketDol Studio

What is DIA Europe?

DIA EUROPE is the largest neutral event in the life science industry in Europe – the knowledge hub between science, healthcare, and regulation – and the place to meet trusted colleagues and make new connections with the brightest minds passionate about advancing health priorities.

Where will Dia 2022 be held?

The Drug Information Association (DIA) 2022 Global Annual Meeting will be held in Chicago on 19-23 June 2022.

When was Dia last comeback?

On May 25, 2020, it was revealed that DIA would make a comeback with their sixth EP Flower 4 Seasons on June 10, marked their first release under PocketDol Studio. It was confirmed that the group will promote with five members as a unit without Chaeyeon & Somyi.