What is a PS form 50 USPS?

PS Form 50s are personnel actions generated due to some type of change in employee status. PS Form 50 actions are generated by the Human Resources Share Service Center (HRSSC) in Greensboro, NC and are initiated by local HR personnel, supervisors and managers.

How do I get my USPS SF-50?

If you are a current federal employee, you can make an SF-50 request to your human resources office. If you stopped working for the federal government within the past 120 days, you must make a written request to the last federal office for which you worked.

How do I reinstate my USPS package?

A displaced federal employee, as defined by the Office of Personnel Management’s regulations, has reinstatement eligibility if he or she meets the requirements of 233.332 through 233.334. However, a displaced federal employee does not have a right to priority selection to any career position in the Postal Service.

Does USPS count as federal service?

Technically, employees of the United States Postal Service are not federal employees. The USPS operates as an independent, self-governing agency under the executive branch and receives no taxpayer dollars for its operations. Employees receive federal benefits, but ultimately their employer is not the U.S. government.

What GS level is a letter carrier?

The minimum paygrade for a Mail And File job is GS-1, and the highest paygrade that can be attained within this job series is GS-9.

What is a standard form 50?

What is a Standard Form 50 (SF 50)? The SF-50 is the Notification of Personnel Action. It contains certain employment information useful to the applicant or if applying for another federal job. It is used by current and former federal employees.

Will USPS rehire after termination?

If you were terminated, you will not be rehired. The usps will only rehire if you resign or give notice.