What is dosing interval in pharmacokinetics?

A dosing interval of about a half-life is appropriate for drugs with half-lives of approximately 8-24 hours allowing dosing once, twice or three times daily. It is usually not practicable to administer drugs with shorter half-lives more frequently.

What is a dosing interval?

At steady state, concentrations will rise and fall according to a repeating pattern as long as we continue to administer drug at the same dose level and with the same time period between doses. This repeated time period of dosing is often called the dosing interval and is abbreviated using the Greek letter tau (τ).

What is the relationship between half-life and dosing interval?

The half-life equal to the dosing interval at steady-state where the maximum concentration at steady-state is twice the maximum concentration found for the first dose and where the fall off to the trough concentration from the maximum concentration is consistent with this half-life.

How does dosing interval affect steady state?

The dosing interval affects steady-state concentration in a proportional way. The more frequently the drug is given, the higher the steady-state concentration values.

What does intermittent dosing mean?

Background: The past few years have seen a rapid increase in the introduction of drugs with intermittent dosing schedules (ie, dosed less than once daily).

What is AUC tau?

• AUC(0-tau): AUC to the end of the dosing period (for example for OD dosing, the dosing tau is 24hrs.) • tmax :Time at which the maximum concentration (Cmax) is observed.

What is multiple dosing?

To treat chronic disease, multiple-dosage or IV infusion regimens are used to maintain the plasma drug levels within the narrow limits of the therapeutic window (eg, plasma drug concentrations above the MEC but below the minimum toxic concentration or MTC) to achieve optimal clinical effectiveness.

What is steady state in pharmacokinetics?

Following repeated administration of a drug, a steady-state is reached when the quantity of drug eliminated in the unit of time equals the quantity of the drug that reaches the systemic circulation in the unit of time.

What is continuous dosing?

Continuous dosing is a method in which corrosion inhibitors are continuously applied to equipment (e.g., a water system) that are prone to corrosion. When water is present or injected into a well, formation, pipeline or other production equipment the presence of bacteria is possible and of great concern.