What is dystonia and its symptoms?

What is dystonia? Dystonia is a disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions that cause slow repetitive movements or abnormal postures. The movements may be painful, and some individuals with dystonia may have a tremor or other neurological symptoms.

What causes jerky movements?

There are many possible causes of unpredictable, jerky movements, including: Antiphospholipid syndrome (disorder that involves abnormal blood clotting) Benign hereditary chorea (a rare inherited condition) Disorders of calcium, glucose, or sodium metabolism.

What causes neck dystonia?

In most people with cervical dystonia, the cause is unknown. Some people who have cervical dystonia have a family history of the disorder. Researchers have found gene mutations associated with cervical dystonia. Cervical dystonia is also sometimes linked to head, neck or shoulder injuries.

When is neck pain serious?

Seek medical care if your neck pain is accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands or if you have shooting pain into your shoulder or down your arm.

Is there a blood test for dystonia?

To diagnose dystonia, your doctor will start with a medical history and physical examination. To determine if underlying conditions are causing your symptoms, your doctor might recommend: Blood or urine tests. These tests can reveal signs of toxins or of other conditions.

Why does my body keep twitching and jerking?

A disturbance to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) most likely causes these involuntary muscle twitches. For unknown reasons, the central nervous system sends an electrical impulse to muscles. Rarely, myoclonus occurs after an injury to the peripheral nerves outside the central nervous system.

Is it normal to have jerky movements?

Jerky movements usually have a regular rhythm and may be limited to one muscle or muscle group (focal) or several different muscle groups (multifocal). They may occur without an obvious cause or be a result of many diseases.

What are the symptoms of cervical dystonia?

Many people who have cervical dystonia also experience neck pain that can radiate into the shoulders. The disorder can also cause headaches. In some people, the pain from cervical dystonia can be exhausting and disabling.

What is the difference between cervical dystonia and head tremor?

In addition to neck pain, many patients may manifest with a isolated head tremor (meaning tremor involving the head and neck and not involving the arms or legs). Tremor in cervical dystonia tends to be jerky and irregular, and often is worse in the direction of the head away from the abnormal positioning.

Is cervical dystonia the same as wryneck?

Cervical dystonia should not be confused with other conditions which cause a twisted neck such as local orthopedic or congenital problems of the neck, or ophthalmologic conditions where the head tilts to compensate for impaired vision. It is sometimes misdiagnosed as stiff neck, arthritis, or wryneck.

What is cervical dystonia (cervical torticollis)?

Cervical dystonia, also known as spasmodic torticollis, is a focal dystonia characterized by neck muscles contracting involuntarily, causing abnormal movements and awkward posture of the head and neck.