What is magnetic sector mass spectrometry?

A sector instrument is a general term for a class of mass spectrometer that uses a static electric (E) or magnetic (B) sector or some combination of the two (separately in space) as a mass analyzer.

How does a magnetic sector mass spectrometer work?

In a magnetic deflection mass spectrometer, ions leaving the ion source are accelerated to a high velocity. The ions then pass through a magnetic sector in which the magnetic field is applied in a direction perpendicular to the direction of ion motion.

What is sector magnet?

A magnetic sector is a type of mass analyzer using a static magnetic field to deflect particles in this way along a roughly circular arc. It is characterized by a deflection angle and radius. . For background/theory, particularly on focusing properties in design, see [5] [6] [7].

What is magnetic sector analyzer?

In Magnetic Sector Mass Analyzer, ions are accelerated so that they have the same kinetic energy. All the ions are accelerated into a focused beam. And then the ions are deflected by the magnetic field according to masses of ions. The lighter ions have more deflection than the heavier ones.

What are three types of mass spectrometry?

ToF, magnetic sector and quadrupole mass spectrometers are all commonly used in SIMS instrumentation.

What does Maldi TOF measure?

During MALDI-TOF analysis, the m/z ratio of an ion is measured by determining the time required for it to travel the length of the flight tube. A few TOF analyzers incorporate an ion mirror at the rear end of the flight tube, which serves to reflect back ions through the flight tube to a detector.

How do magnetic analyzers separate ions?

Similar to time of flight (TOF) analyzer mentioned earlier,in magnetic sector analyzers ions are accelerated through a flight tube, where the ions are separated by charge to mass ratios. The difference between magnetic sector and TOF is that a magnetic field is used to separate the ions.

What is Bainbridge mass spectrograph?

Bainbridge mass spectro-meter is an instrument used for the accurate determination of atomic masses. A schematic diagram of this spectrometer is shown in Fig. Atoms with one or more electrons removed, have a net positive charge and they become positive ions.

Which is the detector in mass spectrometry?

The detector used for most routine experiments is the electron multiplier. Another type of detector is photographic plates coated with a silver bromide emulsion, it is sensitive to energetic ions. A photographic plate can give a higher resolution than an electrical detector.