What is NAAC Iqac?

quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, the National Assessment and. Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore proposes that every accredited institution should. establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a quality sustenance measure.

What is the role of Iqac?

The IQAC is meant for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the colleges. The IQAC may channelize and systematize the efforts and measures of an institution towards academic excellence.

What is NAAC PPT?

NAAC – NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL. NAAC (1994)  The National Assessment and Accreditation Council is an autonomous body established by the University Grand Commission (UGC) of India to assess and accredit institutions of higher education in the country .

How is Iqac formed?

IQAC may be constituted in every institution under the Chairmanship of the Head of the institution with heads of important academic and administrative units and a few teachers and a few distinguished educationists and representatives of local management and stakeholders.

When was Iqac formed?

About IQAC PU was accredited by NAAC in 2001 for the first cycle, in 2009 for the second cycle and in 2015 for the third cycle. IQAC established at PU continued to strive for the betterment of processes and setup. The NAAC visited the Panjab University Campus from March 02-05, 2015.

When was Iqac established?

Quality Policy The College Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established on 11th February 2004. The Cell has been functioning actively of our Academic and Administrative activities.

Who is the chairperson of Iqac?

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Position Name
Chairman Vice-Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi University
Director Prof. Rama Chandra Parida, Department of Commerce, RGU
Members :
Professors Prof. Utpal Bhattachajee, Department of CSE, RGU

What is NAAC and its function?

The NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) conducts assessment and accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) such as colleges, universities or other recognised institutions to derive an understanding of the ‘Quality Status’ of the institution.

What are the objectives of NAAC?

To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovations in higher education; To undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programmes, and • To collaborate with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.

Who can be Iqac coordinator?

One or two members from the Management 5. One/two nominees from local society 6. One of the teachers as the coordinator of the IQAC. The composition of the IQAC will depend on the size and complexity of the institution.

Who are the members of Iqac?

The composition of the IQAC may be as follows:

  • Chairperson : Head of the Institution.
  • Teachers to represent all level (Three to eight )
  • One member from the Management.
  • Few senior administrative officers.
  • One nominee each from local society, Students and Alumni.
  • One nominee each from Employers /Industrialists / stakeholders.

What are the 7 criteria of NAAC?

NAAC Criteria: What are NAAC Accreditation Criteria?

  • #1: Curricular Aspects.
  • #2: Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation.
  • #3: Research, Innovation, and Extensions.
  • #4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources.
  • #5: Student Support and Progression.
  • #6: Governance, Leadership, and Management.
  • #7: Institutional Values & Best Practices.