What is PML in music?

Prescribed Music List (PML)

Is solo and ensemble UIL?

Solo and Ensemble events in band, choir and orchestra are scheduled in all UIL Music Regions. Students earning a Division One Rating at the region competition are eligible to advance to the UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest traditionally hosted in Austin on Memorial Day Week-end.

What happens at state solo and ensemble?

Solo & Ensemble Contest is an annual event that takes place throughout the country in which students prepare their own performances either by themselves or with a small group of friends. These performances are evaluated by a judge and scored against a rating system.

What is UIL Music Memory?

The focus of the Music Memory contest is an in-depth study of fine pieces of music literature taken from a wide spectrum of music genres to expose students to great composers, their lives and their music.

What does UIL mean?

University Interscholastic League
University Interscholastic League (UIL)

What does a 1C mean in solo and Ensemble?

Results and TSSEC Students that qualify for Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest will receive a rating of 1C (certified). Students that receive a first division but do not qualify will receive a rating of I (one).

How much does Solo and Ensemble cost?

Fees. Fees for On-time Entries: $20 per solo and $10 per ensemble member. Fees for Add-on Entries: $20 per solo and $10 per ensemble member plus $10 per event. Fees for Late Entries: $20 per solo and $10 per ensemble member plus $20 per event.

What is UIL ready writing?

Ready Writing, a contest for students in grades 3,4,5,6,7 and 8, builds upon those skills and helps students refine their writing abilities. In particular, this contest helps them to learn to write clearly and correctly a paper that is interesting and original.