What is the top 10 percent of US income?

This section’s factual accuracy may be compromised due to out-of-date information.

Data Top third Top 10%
Household income
Lower threshold (annual gross income) $37,500 $75,000
Exact percentage of individuals 33.55% 10.29%

What is the top 20% of income in US?

The top 20% of households with an income over $100,000 in the US in 2018 made half of US annual income. In 2017, the top 1% of earners earned 157.3% more than they did in 1979.

How much do the 1% earn USA?

After adjusting its data to reflect current inflation using the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, SmartAsset found that to break into the top 1% of earners, an average American family needs to make over $597,815 yearly.

What is the top 2% salary in US?

Across the US, the average income for the top 2% of all earners is $206,000.

What does the top 5% earn?

While the top 1% earned almost $600,000, you only needed to pull in $240,712 to crack the top 5% of U.S. earners, according to SmartAsset. But the bar for the highest income bracket varies from state to state. Check out how much you needed to make in 2021 to make it into the top 1% in your state.

What percentage of the US population makes six figures?

According to the latest data available, around 5.4% of the American population makes 6 figures, but most of them earn in the lower range. For example, approximately 15.5% of 6-figure earners in the US make between $100,000 and $149,999.

What is the average American salary in 2021?

The average American worker actually makes closer to $51,480, based on 2021 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, and about 30.7% of households earned over $100,000 in 2020, according to Policy Advice, an insurance insights company.