What languages can Fernando Pessoa speak and write in?

Fernando Pessoa
Occupation Poet writer translator philosopher
Language Portuguese, English, French
Nationality Portuguese
Citizenship Portuguese

Did Fernando Pessoa marry?

Unlike a number of romantically inclined poets, he never produced a body of love poetry addressed to her. With his mother, and his half sister Henriquetta, Pessoa rented an apartment on the Rua Coelho de Rocha, 16, where he lived until his death. Pessoa never married.

Where was Fernando Pessoa born?

Lisbon, PortugalFernando Pessoa / Place of birth

Did Fernando Pessoa write in English?

From the age of seven Pessoa lived in Durban, S.Af., where his stepfather was Portuguese consul. He became a fluent reader and writer of English. With the hope of becoming a great poet in that language, Pessoa wrote his early verse in English.

Is Pessoa a nihilist?

Together with Luís de Camões, Pessoa is one of Portugal’s national poets, and within a given literary community, he is considered the mastermind of an oeuvre rich with emotional and philosophic hues, a nihilist who celebrated the miracles and revelations of existence, but, who also had hedonistic spirit that would …

Was Fernando Pessoa a nihilist?

Thus, he is established as the outlier to the other heteronyms and their respective coping mechanisms. Pessoa was a nihilist, Campos was a self-professed “sensationist” (with a futurist streak), and Ricardo Reis was a stoic classicist.

Where did Pessoa live?

Durban, South Africa
Fernando Pessoa: The Poet of Many Masks. Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa was born in Lisbon in 1888, died there in 1935, and did not often leave the city as an adult, but he spent nine of his childhood years in the British-governed town of Durban, South Africa, where his stepfather was the Portuguese consul.

Where did Fernando Pessoa live?

Fernando Pessoa: The Poet of Many Masks. Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa was born in Lisbon in 1888, died there in 1935, and did not often leave the city as an adult, but he spent nine of his childhood years in the British-governed town of Durban, South Africa, where his stepfather was the Portuguese consul.

Is Fernando Pessoa public domain?

Fernando Pessoa. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. One afternoon while browsing in the English bookstore, located midway between two of the offices where he worked for a few hours nearly every day, Fernando Pessoa spotted a copy of James Joyce’s Ulysses.

How many personalities did Fernando Pessoa have?

Feeling at any given moment a different thing is at the inception of the creation of the heteronyms. It is believed that Fernando Pessoa created around 70 heteronyms. The most famous are Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis and Álvaro de Campos.

What does Pessoas mean in English?

British English: person /ˈpɜːsn/ NOUN. A person is an individual human being.

Where is Fernando Pessoa buried?

Jerónimos Monastery, Lisbon, PortugalFernando Pessoa / Place of burial

¿Cuáles son los poemas fundamentales de Fernando Pessoa?

10 poemas fundamentales de Fernando Pessoa 1. Poema en línea recta, del heterónimo Álvaro de Campos 2. Lisboa revisitada (1923), del heterónimo Álvaro de Campos 3. Autopsicografía de Fernando Pessoa 4. Tabaquería, del heterónimo Álvaro de Campos 5. Esto de Fernando Pessoa 6. Oda triunfal, del heterónimo Álvaro de Campos

¿Cuál es la biografía más reciente de Fernando Pessoa?

↑ Para la vida de Fernando Pessoa, la biografía más reciente y exhaustiva es la de Richard Zenith: Pessoa: An Experimental Life, Ed. Allen Lane, 2021. ISBN 9780241534137 (en inglés).

¿Cuál es la personalidad de Fernando Pessoa?

Fernando Pessoa. Se puede afirmar que la vida de Pessoa estuvo dedicada a crear y que, de tanto crear, creó también otras vidas a través de sus heterónimos: ese fue su principal característica y el principal interés de su personalidad, en apariencia tan pacata.

¿Qué es la poesía visual?

La poesía visual [1]es una forma experimental en la que la imagen, el elemento plástico, en todas sus facetas, técnicas y soportes, predomina sobre el resto de los componentes.