What types of plants occupy the riparian zone?

With regard to vegetation, riparian areas are normally dominated by woody plants (e.g., trees), grasses, and emergent herbaceous plant cover, in contrast to aquatic ecosystems where these plant types are absent.

What are the three main characteristics that define riparian zones?

The three main characteristics that define riparian area ecosystems are hydrology, soils and vegetation. These reflect the influence of additional moisture compared to the adjacent, drier uplands.

Where is riparian vegetation found?

Stream or river banks are riparian areas, and the plants that grow there are called riparian vegetation. Riparian vegetation is extremely important because of the many functions it serves.

How is riparian vegetation significant in ecology?

In particular, riparian vegetation plays a key role in: regulating microclimates and water quality; preventing riverbank erosion and promoting landform stability; subsidizing aquatic and terrestrial food webs; and providing habitat for a wide range of aquatic, amphibious, and terrestrial organisms.

What are the key components of a riparian zone ecosystem?

General indicators of riparian areas include:

  • Vegetation. The kinds and amounts of vegetation differ from adjacent upland vegetation because more water is supplied to plants from the associated watercourse or water body.
  • Soil.
  • Water.

What are the two types of riparian habitats?

Riparian Lentic and Lotic Systems These water bodies can be natural waterbodies such as streams, rivers and lakes, or man-made waterbodies such as ditches, canals, ponds, and reservoirs. When riparian areas are along the banks of moving water (streams and rivers) they are called lotic systems (Pieczynska, 1990).

What is riparian ecology?

Riparian ecosystems encompass a diverse suite of ecosystem types, including river banks, floodplains, and wetlands, that are characterized primarily by being ecotones, or transitional zones, between adjacent terrestrial and aquatic realms.

Are riparian forests wetlands?

Riparian areas serve as habitats and travel corridors for vegetative communities. They link wetlands to streams and upland areas. Examples of riparian areas include cottonwood and willow forests along streams and vegetation along lakeshores.

Is a wetland a riparian zone?

Riparian areas: are lush vegetated lands beside streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands.

What are riparian species?

Riparian buffers are the grasses, grass-like, forbs, shrubs, trees or other vegetation growing along streams. These plants control erosion and help filter and keep water clean. Cropland fields shouldn’t be planted right up to a stream’s edge where the soil is generally more fragile and subject to erosion.

What are plants in riparian areas?

Natural vegetated buffers of shrubs, trees, and herbaceous plants areas this spring. “Our experience with this project was certainly positive and the outcome great,” Koloski said. “With the assistance provided planting a riparian buffer and

What is a riparian ecosystem?

Riparian ecosystems encompass a diverse suite of ecosystem types, including river banks, floodplains, and wetlands, that are characterized primarily by being ecotones, or transitional zones, between adjacent terrestrial and aquatic realms.

What is a riparian plant?

Riparian refers to the land-water interface, along rivers, streams, and lakeshores. It can refer to the plants, animals, or physical environment in that zone. Ripiarian vegetation often includes such plants as cattails, horsetails, arrow weed, etc.

What exactly is riparian land?


  • climate
  • the size of the body of water
  • the season of the year
  • the size of the diversion
  • the place and method of diversion
  • the type of use
  • its importance to society
  • the needs of other riparian owners
  • the suitability of the use of the stream