When should I restart warfarin after intracranial bleeding?

The optimal timing of anticoagulation resumption after ICH is still unknown. Both early (< 2 weeks) and late (> 4 weeks) resumption should be reached only after very careful assessment of risks for ICH recurrence and thromboembolism.

Does warfarin cause intracranial bleeding?

Warfarin-associated intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is the most feared complication of anticoagulation therapy1 and is becoming more common with increased use of this medication in the aging population. Patients with warfarin-associated ICH account for nearly one-fourth of all admissions for ICH in large hospitals.

Does a high INR reading cause an intracranial haemorrhage?

An INR over three is associated with an increased risk of bleeding [3], and intracranial hemorrhage remains the most devastating complication.

How do you treat an intracranial hemorrhage?

Treatment. Treatment focusses on stopping the bleeding, removing the clot and relieving pressure on the brain. If left alone, the brain will eventually re-absorb the clot. The damage done by increased brain pressure over a long period may be irreversible.

When do you start anticoagulation after intracranial bleeding?

The optimal timing of starting anticoagulant treatment in patients with AF who have survived an ICH seems to be around 7 to 8 weeks after the hemorrhage.

What causes intracerebral hemorrhage with warfarin?

Taken together, these three studies provide compelling evidence that amyloid angiopathy is an important factor in warfarin-associated lobar hemorrhage, whereas cerebrovascular disease and leukoariosis predict deep hemispheric bleeding during anticoagulation.

Can warfarin cause brain aneurysm?

*Blood thinners (such as warfarin), some medications and prescription drugs (including diet pills that act as stimulants such as ephedrine and amphetamines), and harmful drugs like cocaine can cause aneurysms to rupture and bleed.

Is intracranial hemorrhage the same as intracerebral hemorrhage?

It is important to understand the difference between the terms intracranial hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage. The former refers to all bleeding occurring within the skull, while the latter indicates bleeding within the brain parenchyma. All intracranial hemorrhages (ICH) share some classic clinical features.

What is the most important management strategy for intracerebral hemorrhage patients?

IVH and Hydrocephalus A number of strategies are available to manage IVH. The most common is the placement of an external ventricular drain (EVD), which may reduce intracranial pressure; however, this effect is counterbalanced by the risk of infection and catheter obstruction by clots [96, 98].