Where is OracleClient DLL data?

Download System. Data. OracleClient. dll Files (Malware-Tested 100% Clean)

OS Version: Windows 10
CRC32: a89dafbb
File Directory Location: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\ C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_64\System.Data.OracleCl… C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_system.data.oracleclien…

Which namespace would you use if you need to create an ASP NET application with Oracle as the database?

OracleClient namespace is the . NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle.

Does ODP net require Oracle client?

Net native implementation of ODP.NET. That means no Oracle Client is needed, and now native code is behind the scenes. XCopy installation can be done easily.

Which namespace would you use if you need to create an ASP NET application with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as the database?

SqlClient namespace. It should be used to access SQL Server 2000.

Which namespace is required when you use SQL Server database Mcq?

To use the . NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server, an application must reference the System. Data. SqlClient namespace.

Where is ODP net installed?

Upon installation of ODP.NET, Oracle Universal Installer sets the DllPath Windows Registry value to the ORACLE_BASE\\ORACLE_HOME \bin directory where the corresponding dependent DLLs are installed. Developers must provide this configuration information on an application-by-application basis.

What is ODP managed driver?

ODP.NET, Managed Driver is a 100% native code . NET Framework driver for Oracle Database. No additional Oracle Client software is required to be installed to connect to Oracle Database. Product. Versions.

Which namespace is used for database?

SqlClient namespace contains the provider-specific ADO.NET objects used to connect to a SQL Server 7 or SQL Server 2000 database, execute a command, and transfer information to and from a DataSet .

Which namespace is required when use SQL Server database?

SqlClient. This assembly (namespace) of . NET Framework contains all of the classes required to connect to a SQL Server database and read, write, and update. The namespace provides classes to create a database connection, adapters, and SQL commands that provide the functionality to execute SQL queries.

Which namespace is required when you use SQL Server database?

Data. SqlClient. This assembly (namespace) of . NET Framework contains all of the classes required to connect to a SQL Server database and read, write, and update.

Which of the following namespace is used for better performance when connecting to SQL Server?

SqlDataAdapter is used in conjunction with SqlConnection and SqlCommand to increase performance when connecting to a SQL Server database.

What happened to this type in system data oracleclient?

This types in System.Data.OracleClient are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the .NET Framework. For more information, see Oracle and ADO.NET. The .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle describes a collection of classes for accessing an Oracle data source in the managed space.

What data types does the data provider for Oracle support?

The .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle supports a number of Oracle data types, including the BFILE, LOB, and REF CURSOR data types. For information about using Oracle data types in parameters, see OracleType.

Is oracleclient still available in ODP 4?

Oracle has created a special website for OracleClient developers who are interested in learning about how and why to migrate to the Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET).. check it out: Show activity on this post. Microsoft will still make System.Data.OracleClient available in .NET Framework 4, but it will be labeled as “deprecated”

Is system data Oracle client deprecated?

Edit: The System.Data.OracleClient namespace is deprecated. Make sure you use the driver native to your database system, that would be ODP.NET from Oracle. Show activity on this post. This Worked for me. Show activity on this post. On your remote machine, System.Data.OracleClient need access to some of the oracle dll which are not part of .Net.