Which country has the weirdest traditions?

The Top 8 Weirdest World Traditions

  • The Mari Lwyd (Wales)
  • La Tomatina (Spain)
  • Teeth-Tossing (Greece)
  • Red Ink Ban (South Korea)
  • Itchy Palms (USA)
  • Camel Wrestling (Turkey)
  • Nag Panchami (India)
  • Butt-Whipping (Czech Republic)

What are some unique traditions?

15 Amazing Cultural Traditions from Around the World You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

  1. Jump over seven waves at New Year’s in Rio.
  2. Sitting down for a few minutes before leaving on a trip, Ukraine.
  3. Galette de Roi, France.
  4. Pen-in-bottle, Sweden.
  5. Finland’s wife-carrying championships.
  6. Songkran.
  7. Flag-throwing in Tuscany.

What is the most rare culture?

5 unique cultures around the world

  1. The Himba of Namibia. The Himba live in Namibia, mostly in the north west part of the country, and across the border in Angola.
  2. Wounaan of Panama. The Darien gap in Panama is a dangerous and remote place.
  3. Apatani of Northeast India.
  4. Shuar of Ecuador.

What are some traditions in other countries?

14 Traditions From Different Countries That Surprised the Whole…

  • No toilet paper, India.
  • No using the bathroom after marriage, Indonesia.
  • Greet others by spitting, Maasai.
  • Don’t gift a yellow rose, Mexico.
  • Smashing plates before a wedding, Germany.
  • Throwing cinnamon on single people, Denmark.
  • Arrive late, Venezuela.

What is the strangest tradition?

10 of the Strangest Traditions from Around the World

  • La Tomatina, Spain.
  • Smashing coconuts on people’s skulls in India.
  • Festival of scrambled eggs in Bosnia.
  • Throwing cinnamon at 25-year old’s in Denmark.
  • The monkey buffet festival in Thailand.
  • Polterabend in Germany.
  • Shoving faces in cake in Mexico.

Who is the craziest country?

5 Of The Weirdest Countries In The World

  1. 1 Bhutan. “We do not believe in Gross National Product.
  2. 2 Kazakhstan. Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat put Kazakhstan on the map in 2006, and left millions scratching their head about the weird Central Asian country.
  3. 3 North Korea.
  4. 4 Belarus.
  5. 5 Armenia.

What is the weirdest culture?

Many weird cultures happen around the world. From baby throwing to living with dead bodies, below is a list of jaw-dropping cultures from around the globe….7 unusual cultures around the world

  1. Walking Dead.
  2. El Colacho Baby Jumping.
  3. Living with Dead.
  4. Hanging Coffins.
  5. Throwing babies.
  6. Mourning of Muharram.

What is the strangest culture?

What is the coolest culture in the world?

Unique and Interesting Cultures around the World

  • Head Hunters of Nagaland, India.
  • Nyishi Tribe from Arunachal Pradesh, India.
  • Kalash People, Pakistan.
  • The Khasi community of Meghalaya, India.
  • Tibetans, Tibet.
  • Rungus, Sabah.
  • Akhu Tribe, Kengtung Myanmar.
  • Thai community who offer Red Fanta to God, Thailand.

What is the strangest tradition in China?

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

  • Chopsticks are never placed upright in a rice bowl.
  • Burping is considered a sign of gratitude.
  • Tea cups are constantly refilled.
  • A gift will be refused a number of times before it is accepted.
  • Spitting loudly in public is common.

What are weird things other countries do?

10 Unusual Things That Are Common in Other Countries

  • In Japan, many streets don’t have names.
  • Many Dutch people don’t close their curtains.
  • In Singapore, locals dry their laundry on bamboo poles.
  • In Turkey, there’s a dessert that is made from chicken breasts.
  • The Netherlands has the steepest stairs in the world.