Which fuel has the highest density?

The highest energy density fuel is hydrogen, which is also the simplest chemical component in existence. Gasoline, which is derived from refining crude oil, contains much more energy than coal (twice the lower grade bituminous) or wood (three times).

What source has the highest energy density?

The highest energy density material is Uranium. Since nuclear power involves no combustion, there are no byproducts of combustion to pollute the atmosphere.

How the energy density and electric field are related?

We interpret uE = ½ε0E2 as the energy density, i.e. the energy per unit volume, in the electric field. The energy stored between the plates of the capacitor equals the energy per unit volume stored in the electric field times the volume between the plates.

What is energy density of fuel?

Energy density is generally expressed in two ways, although the first is more common: Volumetric energy density – how much energy a system contains in comparison to its volume; typically expressed in watt-hours per liter (Wh/L) or Megajoules per liter (MJ/L)….Fuel energy density.

Fuel Energy density
Natural gas 55 MJ/kg

Why is energy density important in fuels?

Energy stored in a given volume of fuel – higher volume-energy density means less space is require to store the fuel in the vehicle, which can result in less space needed for a fuel storage facility on the vehicle.

Is energy due to electric field greater than magnetic field?

The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Maxwell’s equations and the Lorentz force law. The force created by the electric field is much stronger than the force created by the magnetic field.

What is Wh kg and WH Litre for petrol?

Table 1 lists the net calorific value (NCV) and efficiency of various energy sources in Wh per liter….Compare battery energy with fossil fuel and other resources.

Fuel Energy by mass (Wh/kg) Energy by volume (Wh/l)
Propane 13,900 6,600
Butane 13,600 7,800
Diesel fuel 12,700 10,700
Gasoline 12,200 9,700

How does density affect fuel?

Density is mass per unit volume. If a fuel has higher density than other, it means much more mass is entering into the combustion chamber for the same volume, since new generation diesel injectors which supply fuel into combustion chamber for power generation regulate the amount of fuel by volume, not by mass.

What is the energy density of nuclear fission fuels?

0.8 million MJ/kg
The fraction of the energy extracted from the fuel in a reactor is called the burnup. So in a LWR, the effective energy density is around 1% of 80 million, or 0.8 million MJ/kg.

What is the potential energy of an electric dipole?

The potential energy of the electric dipole is In anticlockwise direction θ increases and the potential energy goes on decreasing until becomes minimum in stable equilibrium position at θ = π. At θ = π, the potential energy is U = − pE which is the most negative value.

What is the energy density of fuel?

Energy Density Energy density is the energy per unit volume of a fuel. displaystyle E_ {d} = frac {E} {V} E d

What is the energy density of electric and magnetic fields?

Energy density of electric and magnetic fields. In a vacuum, the (volumetric) energy density is given by where E is the electric field and B is the magnetic field. The solution will be (in SI units) in Joules per cubic metre. In the context of magnetohydrodynamics, the physics of conductive fluids, the magnetic energy density behaves like an…

What is the Y-component of electric field due to electric dipole?

The y-component of electric field due to the electric dipole is a zero vector, that is the y-component of one charge is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the y-component of another charge. The y-component of →E 1 E → 1 due to positive charge is Esinθ^j E sin θ j ^, so they cancel each other.