Can a double replacement have no reaction?

Now we consider what the double-replacement products would be by switching the cations (or the anions)—namely, CaBr2 and KNO3. However, the solubility rules predict that these two substances would also be soluble, so no precipitate would form. Thus, we predict no reaction in this case.

Why would no reaction occur?

If a compound is soluble, we use the (aq) label with it, indicating it dissolves. If a compound is not soluble, we use the (s) label with it and assume that it will precipitate out of solution. If everything is soluble, then no reaction will be expected.

How can you tell if a double replacement reaction will occur?

The easiest way to identify a double displacement reaction is to check to see whether or not the cations exchanged anions with each other. Another clue, if the states of matter are cited, is to look for aqueous reactants and the formation of one solid product (since the reaction typically generates a precipitate).

Does insoluble mean no reaction?

If the rules state that an ion is soluble, then it remains in its aqueous ion form. If an ion is insoluble based on the solubility rules, then it forms a solid with an ion from the other reactant. If all the ions in a reaction are shown to be soluble, then no precipitation reaction occurs.

What are the usual reactants in a double replacement reaction?

In a double-replacement reaction, what type of compounds are usually the reactants? A double-replacement reaction occurs between sodium sulfide and hydrogen chloride.

Why does double replacement reaction occur?

Why does Double-replacement Reaction Occur? A double-replacement reaction occurs when two ionic compounds react. The positive ions (cation) and negative ions (anion) of the two reactants, which are ionic compounds, exchange their places. The reaction results in two new products, which are also ionic compounds.

Does a double replacement reaction always result in precipitate?

There are a variety of spontaneous double displacement reactions. Some but not all of them involve the production of a precipitate. For example, the neutralization reaction between hydrochloric acid HCl and sodium hydroxide NaOH counts as a double displacement reaction.

Do all double replacement reactions produce a precipitate?