Does evening primrose have side effects?

When taken by mouth: Evening primrose oil is likely safe for most people when taken in doses up to 6 grams daily for up to 1 year. It might cause mild side effects including upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea, and headache in some people.

Can too much evening primrose oil cause acne?

Some people may also find that adding EPO to their routine leads to more breakouts. This is known as purging. Although it can be frustrating, it’s possible with any product that you add to your routine.

How does evening primrose affect hormones?

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and Menopause: Evening primrose oil helps support hormonal balance and has been found to be effective at reducing menstrual cramping, bloat, water retention, breast tenderness and irritability due to hormonal shifts during a women’s cycle.

What complications can evening primrose cause?

What are the risks of taking evening primrose oil?

  • Headache.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Nausea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Rash.

How can I reduce hormonal acne?

How do I treat hormonal acne?

  1. Blackheads and whiteheads: Topical cream (tretinoin).
  2. Inflammatory acne: Topical retinoid and/or topical antibiotic and/or benzoyl peroxide.
  3. Moderate to severe acne: Antibiotic and/or isotretinoin (retinoid).
  4. Cystic acne: Steroid injection (intralesional triamcinolone).

Is evening primrose oil good for acne prone skin?

Evening primrose oil contains high concentrations of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds possess potent anti-inflammatory properties, which may help treat and prevent acne.

Does evening primrose oil help acne?

Does Primrose help with acne?

Does evening primrose oil clog pores?

Evening primrose oil doesn’t clog pores. It may help improve the moisture barrier function of the skin, so it’s another great ingredient to use for moisturizing.