How do I report someone to Cps in pa?
Reporting Abuse By Phone Call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313. As a mandated reporter, you must provide your name and contact information when making the call.
Who is considered a mandated reporter in pa?
Person 18 years of age or older who is responsible for the child’s welfare or who resides in the same home as the child. Mandated reporters do not have to determine whether or not the person meets the definition of perpetrator in order to make the report.
What is considered child neglect in pa?
(1) A repeated, prolonged or egregious failure to supervise a child in a manner that is appropriate considering the child’s developmental age and abilities. (2) The failure to provide a child with adequate essentials of life, including food, shelter or medical care.
How long does a mandated reporter have to report abuse in PA?
within 48 hours
Mandated reporters must also complete a report of suspected child abuse (CY 47). This form can be obtained from the children and youth agency in your county and must be submitted within 48 hours to the county agency.
What are your responsibilities if you suspect abuse?
A duty to be proactive to prevent harm and abuse and to be ever vigilant and aware of the potential for abuse and harm. A duty to report a concern: this includes reporting any concern without delay, using the correct procedure.
What does a mandated reporter have to report Pa?
Mandated reporters are certain adults, who are legally required to report suspected child abuse if they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse. The law requires that the mandated reporter identify themselves and where they can be reached.
What is the most difficult form of child maltreatment to identify?
Emotional abuse is the most difficult form of child maltreatment to identify. There are some guidelines that can help distinguish between emotional disturbance and emotional abuse.
What is considered abusing a child?
‘Child abuse or neglect’ means the physical injury or neglect, mental injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or maltreatment of a child under age 18 by a person under circumstances that indicate that the child’s health or welfare is harmed or threatened.
How do I file a child abuse report in PA?
File an electronic report of suspected child abuse at Call ChildLine (800) 932-0313 and complete a CY 47, (only if you cannot file electronically) Notify your Administrator, Principal, Director, Etc.
How do I report child abuse in Texas?
Permissive reporters can make a report at any time they suspect a child is the victim of child abuse. Permissive reporters may report anonymously. Permissive reporters can report by telephone by calling 1-800-932-0313. Each report is handled by a trained specialist who determines the most appropriate course of action.
What does the Montgomery County Office of children and youth do?
The Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth, under Pennsylvania law, is mandated to investigate all reports of suspected abuse, neglect, or dependency of children from birth to age 18 in Montgomery County.
When do you have to report suspected child abuse?
Whether you are someone required by law to report suspected child abuse (mandated reporter) or someone able and encouraged but not required by law to report suspected child abuse (permissive reporter), take action when you have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse. If the child is in immediate danger call 911