How do you get rid of pigmentation on nails?

Potato juice is an effective cleansing agent that is known to reduce pigmentation of the skin. Grate a small potato and squeeze out the juice from it. Apply the juice to your fingers using a cotton ball, and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it using water at room temperature.

Does melanonychia go away?

The outlook for most benign melanonychia is good, and in most cases, does not require treatment. However, it usually does not go away by itself. The outlook for malignant melanonychia is not as good. This condition requires the removal of the tumor which may also include amputation of your finger or toe.

How does light cured gel polish work?

Traditionally, gel nail polish is cured by UV wavelengths. The light emits a broad range of UV wavelengths at a lower concentration and energy than LED that hits molecules in the gel called photoinitiators, or compounds, that absorb light and convert it into the energy needed to drive the polymerization process.

Can hydroquinone discolor nails?

Hydroquinone also generates free radicals that further damage melanosomes. 2 The paradoxical hyperpigmentation of fingernails is a rare phenomenon seen with hydroquinone use. Very few cases reported of hydroquinone leading to hyperpigmentation of nails are reported.

What causes nail pigmentation?

Melanonychia can be caused by inflammatory skin diseases that affect your nails. It can also be caused by inflammation due to friction from shoes and biting your nails. Poor nutrition. Malnutrition can cause melanonychia, especially a lack of protein, vitamin D, or vitamin B12.

What does melanonychia look like?

Melanonychia is a brown or black color in your nail. It can affect your fingernails or toenails. It can be in one nail, a few nails, or all of your nails. Melanonychia can have many different causes that range from harmless to potentially fatal.

Should I worry about melanonychia?

Melanonychia is a very worrisome entity for most patients. It is characterized by brownish black discoloration of nail plate and is a common cause of nail plate pigmentation. The aetiology of melanonychia ranges from more common benign causes to less common invasive and in situ melanomas.

Why does hydroquinone turn brown?

Finally, when the color of products containing hydroquinone has turned brown, that indicates the product has oxidized, and thus is no longer active. Oxidized products should be discarded.

Can hydroquinone cause yellow nails?

The nail pigmentation following use of topical hydroquinone may be the result of oxidation and polymerization products of hydroquinone. Hydroquinone undergoes oxidation to quinone, a yellow compound that is subsequently oxidized to hydroxyquinone in the presence of light.