How do you identify a giant clam shell?

Figure 11: The underside of a Tridacna crocea specimen with a very large byssal opening. Figure 12: Two Tridacna derasa shells showing strong symmetry, moderate ribs, and a lack of scutes….

most commonly available as 4 to 8 inch specimens
shell is slightly asymmetrical in form*
ribs lack scutes*

What type of clams live in coral reefs?

The giant clam is appropriately named, as it is the largest clam and the largest bivalve (clam, oyster, or mussel) in the world. This species lives on coral reefs in the Coral Triangle and surrounding areas. It utilizes a combination of feeding strategies and can be very brightly colored and large.

How much par do you need for clams?

Unless you are feeding older clams multiple times a week, most recommend a PAR rating of 250+ is typically recommended, and scientific experiments have shown they are much more productive at PARs of 700-1200. That being said, some do have success keeping clams in 100-250 PAR areas if they are fed well and often.

Are clams good for reef tank?

Besides their beauty, clams provide another important benefit to a saltwater aquarium: natural filtration. Their superior filtering capabilities offer added stability and nutrient control in a closed aquarium system.

Are giant clam shells illegal?

Giant clams are protected by national legislation in most places where they live—in the waters of the South China Sea, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and the Red Sea. International trade of all 12 species is limited under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Can you open a clam without killing it?

↑ Can you open a clam without killing it? Most clams are shucked(opened for consumption) while they are alive, this however does not instantly kill them because they usually are just having their muscles severed from the shell during this process, so they could potentially live longer.

Are clams found on coral reefs?

Giant clams have been around coral reefs since about 38 million years, the largest of them growing to 1.2 metres long and weighing more than 200 kilograms.

Can a giant clam hurt you?

Being that bivalves are a real pain to open just to eat I imagine it would hurt. They have quite the powerful muscle, but clams actually have to use energy to close. Contrary to what most would assume, relaxed is open and using energy flexing muscle is closed.

Do clams like high flow?

clams like flow, just not direct flow. if the mantle is blowing in the breeze, there is to much flow for him.

How often do clams eat?

Augment your clams natural food with feedings 1-2 a week. Your clams can eat a lot of the food leftover by the rest of the tank, but, especially in newer tanks with fewer organisms, they will need some extra food to truly thrive.

What eats clam in reef tank?

Predators include many species of fish. They may pick at the clam or eat its mantle. Some of those to avoid include triggerfish, large wrasses, and puffers. Blennies, butterfly fish, clown gobies, angelfish and constantly grazing fish may also disturb giant clams.

How much is a giant clam worth?

Price: $50 per kg (ie; a 50 kg clam shell = $2,500) Shipping = $200-$400 worldwide depending on size.

What is the clam identification key?

The following identification key was developed for the volunteers and other interested citizens to identify commonly found clams without harming the clams or their environment. Marine beaches are sometimes closed to shellfish harvesting (clams, oysters, geoducks, and mussels) because of dangerous levels of naturally occurring toxins in the water.

How do you identify manila clams?

Those two can be differentiated by looking for a depression next to the umbos (points where the shells started growing). If the area is flat or depressed (Figure 7 – top), then it is a manila clam. If a ridge formed by the edges of the two shells runs through that area, then the clam is a native littleneck (Figure 7 – bottom).

What is the alkalinity of a clam?

Those in the aquarium trade are usually cultured. The Deresa Clam requires calcium levels of 400-480 mg/L and alkalinity of 7 to 12 degrees. Proper levels of strontium and iodine are also needed.

How can you tell if a clam is a cockle?

If the dominant ornamentation consists of ribs (Figure 6), it is probably a cockle. If both rings and ribs are about equally dominant giving the shell a checkered appearance (Figure 7), then the clam is either a manila clam or a native littleneck.