How do you jump a page in Foxit?

Tap on the toolbar on the top to open the page thumbnail window; Tap on a page thumbnail to jump to the selected page.

How do I create a shortcut key in Foxit Reader?

How to create/change keyboard shortcuts

  1. Right Click anywhere on the Ribbon and Select “Customize the Ribbon…”
  2. Select “Keyboard”
  3. Select a category of tools.
  4. Find the tool you’d like to assign a keyboard shortcut.
  5. Press the Shortcut on your Keyboard to enter it.
  6. Click “Assign”
  7. Click OK.

How do I switch between tabs in Foxit Reader?

Tips for switching tabs between open documents In general, you can switch views between open documents by Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab in multi-tab reading. According to the order of how documents appear in the application window, Ctrl + Tab represents right, Ctrl + Shift + Tab represents left.

How do I enable Trust Manager preferences?

The Trust Manager is activated by default in a standard installation of Foxit Reader. The setting can be disabled in the preferences by going to Tools > Preferences > Trust Manager.

How do I link pages in Foxit PhantomPDF?

Selecting EDIT > Links > Link in the PhantomPDF application brings up this capability. After opening, you simply hold down the mouse and draw a rectangle on the page—or a perfect square if you prefer, by holding the Shift key while drawing.

How do I search in Foxit Reader?

Advanced search begins with specifying search preferences: File > Preferences > Search. Define your search field by responding to the “Where would you like to search?” prompt with one of these options: In the current PDF document is available when a document is open.

How do I switch between PDF tabs in full screen mode?

Full Screen Mode in Acrobat: Instructions

  1. To view a PDF in Full Screen mode in Acrobat, open a PDF document in Acrobat.
  2. Then select “View| Full Screen Mode” from the Menu Bar.
  3. To navigate Full Screen Mode in Acrobat, left-click your mouse to advance through the pages.
  4. Right-click to return to previous pages.

How do I open multiple tabs in Foxit?

Please go to File tab in Foxit Reader> Preferences > Documents > Open Setting > check Allow Multiple Instances, click on OK button to enable single document interface mode in Foxit Reader.

How do I enable features in Foxit?

If you click on click on the ‘Enable All Features’ button in the bulb message, the PDF file will be directly added into privileged locations,then Foxit will enable 3D directly or enable 3D after clicking the 3D area in the PDF file.

What is safe reading mode in Foxit?

Foxit Reader implements a one-line defense, the so-called “Safe-Reading mode”. It is enabled by default. In case it is enabled it prohibits the execution of scripts and other features, which can harm the security of the end user.

How do I Link to a specific page in a PDF?

To target an HTML link to a specific page in a PDF file, add #page=[page number] to the end of the link’s URL.

How do I Link to a different page in a PDF?

Link to a file attachment

  1. Open a PDF that contains a PDF file attachment.
  2. Go to where you want to create a link.
  3. Choose Tools > Edit PDF > Link > Add or Edit, and select the area for the link.
  4. In the Create Link dialog box, set the link appearance, select Go To A Page View, and then click Next.

How do I create a keyboard shortcut in Foxit PDF editor?

Follow the steps below to create your custom keyboard shortcut in Foxit PDF Editor: Right Click anywhere on the Ribbon and Select “Customize the Ribbon…” Select a category of tools Find the tool you’d like to assign a keyboard shortcut

Does foxitreader support shortcut keys for comment tools?

However, somehow FoxitReader does not support shortcut keys for any comment tools. This is quite inconvenience for me, especially when I have to use the trackpad of my laptop to select the tool first.

How do I make foxitreader the default PDF reader?

Move the shortcut FoxitReader.desktop to the .local/share/applicationsand select any pdf file > properties> set the default application as FoxitReader. This gives me the power of keyboard shortcut customization at a small price of slightly longer startup time. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Dec 24 ’18 at 1:22

Is there a way to customize keybinds in Foxit?

It’s 2019 and Foxit still has no customizable keybinds. – tijagi Jan 8 ’19 at 23:20 1 The lack of hotkey customization is compouned by having no support for “menu bar” accelerators (such as Alt+Ffor the “File” menu) – kdb Nov 21 ’19 at 15:53 | Show 3more comments 5 Try: