How do you make a quarter section view in Solidworks?

Creating a Section View Manually

  1. Click Section View. (Drawing toolbar), or Insert > Drawing View > Section.
  2. To create a section view manually, click Edit sketch to display the Insert Line PropertyManager.
  3. Sketch a section line.
  4. Click to place the view.

How do you show a section view in Solidworks drawing?

(Drawing toolbar), or Insert > Drawing View > Section. tool. If you select a sketched line, the Section View PropertyManager (with the current section label) appears and you can immediately set the options for the section view.

How do I create a section view of an assembly in Solidworks?

To create a section view:

  1. In a part or assembly document, click Section View. (View toolbar) or View > Display > Section View.
  2. In the Section View PropertyManager, under Section 1, set the properties.
  3. To section the model with additional planes or faces, select Section 2 and Section 3 and set the properties.
  4. Click .

How do you create a cutaway view in Solidworks?

To create a part cutaway view:

  1. In the part: Create a new configuration for the cutaway view. Cut the part as it should appear in the drawing view.
  2. In the drawing: Create a model view of the part using the configuration you made for the cutaway. Add cross hatching to the cut faces.

How do you do a break view in Solidworks?

To create a break view:

  1. Select a drawing view and click Break. (Drawing toolbar) or click Insert > Drawing View > Break.
  2. Set options in the PropertyManager: Option.
  3. Click in the view twice to place two break lines, creating the break.
  4. Add additional break lines as necessary.
  5. Click .

What is a partial section view?

Partial section. Creates a section view that is limited by the length of the section line if the line does not span the entire view. Slice section. Shows only the faces cut by the section line.

How do I create a broken section in Solidworks?

To create a broken-out section:

  1. Click Broken-out Section. (Drawing toolbar), or click Insert > Drawing View > Broken-out Section.
  2. Sketch a profile.
  3. Set options in the Section View dialog box.
  4. Set options in the Broken-out Section PropertyManager.
  5. Click .

What is the cutaway showing?

A cutaway drawing, also called a cutaway diagram is a 3D graphics, drawing, diagram and or illustration, in which surface elements of a three-dimensional model are selectively removed, to make internal features visible, but without sacrificing the outer context entirely.

What is break line solidworks?

You can use a broken (or interrupted) view in a drawing. Broken views make it possible to display the drawing view in a larger scale on a smaller size drawing sheet. You create a gap or break in the view using a pair of break lines.

How do you break an isometric view in Solidworks?

Right-click the drawing view and click Properties. In the dialog box, in Configuration information, select Show in exploded or model break state, and click OK.

What is a section view in SolidWorks?

In a section view in a part or assembly document, the model is displayed as if cut by planes and faces that you specify, to show the internal construction of the model. Select bodies or components to include in or exclude from section views.

How do I Create section views in a model?

You can create section views in a model by cutting away multiple areas of the model. These multiple areas are defined by intersection zones. While creating section views, you can set individual bodies and components as transparent.

How do I change the section view in Revit?

Select bodies or components to include in or exclude from section views. Toggle the view off and on. The section view state is retained, even when you save and reopen the document. Show or hide a section cap. If you show a section cap, you can choose whether it displays with its own color.

How do I remove a section view from a document?

Select bodies or components to include in or exclude from section views. Toggle the view off and on. The section view state is retained, even when you save and reopen the document. Show or hide a section cap.