How do you use Kein and nicht in German?

What is the difference between Kein and Nicht? Nicht is used with verbs and adjectives, whereas Kein is used with nouns. While Kein is used to reflect No, Nicht is used to reflect Not and Don’t. When the noun to be negated is a definite article, Kein is used while Nicht is used when the noun is an indefinite article.

Where does Kein go in German sentences?

Kein/Keine is used when negating a noun. According to the gender of the noun in question you use kein with a male or neutral noun and keine with a female noun or any noun in plural. Kein/keine is generally placed before the noun.

Where do you put Kein in a sentence?

You use kein (meaning both “no” and “none”) to negate: A noun (when no article, or an indefinite article—like the English “a” or “an”—is present). Es gibt keine Bananen. (There are no bananas.)

Why is it Kein problem and not Nein problem?

What is the difference between ‘kein Problem’ and ‘keine Ahnung’? There is no difference. Neither “kien” nor “nien” are German words. You mean nein and kein, of course.

How do you conjugate Kein?

In the singular kein is declined like the indefinite articles. In the plural kein is declined like the definite articles. So, all you have to do is to add the letter k to the indefinite articles and you will always obtain the corresponding negation word.

What is the difference between Kein and nein?

“nein” always stands alone and can never be used in front of a noun phrase. “kein(e)” means “no” or “not any” (negating an indefinite accusative object; the full sentence would be “I have no idea”), and “Ahnung” means something like “foreboding”, premonition”, or, in this context, “idea”. No.

Are German cases hard?

Believe it or not, mastering German cases is no harder than perfecting your pronunciation, cracking the code of German word order or learning how to understand crazy German compound nouns. It’s all part of familiarizing yourself with your acquired language.

How do you know if its Dativ or akkusativ?

1. German Nouns Have Genders

  • The nominative case is used for sentence subjects. The subject is the person or thing that does the action.
  • The accusative case is for direct objects.
  • The dative case is for indirect objects.
  • The genitive case is used to express possession.

How do you use kein in German?

Negating nouns – kein

  1. Sometimes you have to use kein instead of nicht to make a sentence negative.
  2. kein can be translated as:
  3. Use kein in two ways:
  4. Ich habe keine Geschwister – I have no siblings.
  5. Ich habe keine Pizza gegessen – I did not eat (any) pizza. ( literally: I ate no pizza)

What is the difference between Nein and Kein?

“nein” always stands alone and can never be used in front of a noun phrase. “kein(e)” means “no” or “not any” (negating an indefinite accusative object; the full sentence would be “I have no idea”), and “Ahnung” means something like “foreboding”, premonition”, or, in this context, “idea”.

How do you use kein keine and nicht?

In German, we use “kein” or “keine” if we want to negate a noun. If you choose “kein” and “keine” depends on the gender of your German noun….When to use “kein/e”

das ein Kind kein Kind
die / Autos keine Autos

When to use nicht or kein in German?

Learn about the word order of negative sentences in German and when to use nicht or kein. In the exercises, you can practise what you have learnt. We use nicht to negate sentences in German. Nicht can be placed in different parts of a sentence depending on what we want to negate or emphasise. We use nicht:

How do you use Kein in a sentence?

When to use kein. We use kein in the negation of German sentences: with nouns that don’t have an article Example: Ich habe Hunger. – Ich habe keinen Hunger.I’m hungry. – I’m not hungry.

What is the declension of the article Kein?

The declension of the article kein is in singular genitive keines and in the plural nominative keine .It is a pronoun used as a indefinite article.Following adjectives are mixed declined. One can not only inflect kein, but all German articles. Comments ☆

How do you negate nouns in German?

We can use “nicht” to negate everything else: verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, proper names, nouns with definite articles / possessive determiners, and complete sentences. If the conjugated verb is negated, the whole sentence is negated.