How many hours do you need for cosmetology in Kansas?

In order to receive your cosmetology license, you must attend a licensed beauty school and complete a minimum of 1,500 of cosmetology training hours as required by the state of Kansas.

How do I get my cosmetology license in Kansas?

As you work toward licensure in your chosen specialty, you must attend a licensed school and complete the state of Kansas’s minimum required training hours and then take the state’s cosmetology board exams. You must either meet or exceed the minimum training hours to qualify for licensure.

How many hours are required for estheticians in Kansas?

Your first step toward getting a license is earning a certificate in esthetics. The Kansas Board requires that your program contain at least one thousand (1000) hours of instruction in order to qualify you for a license.

What state has the highest hours for cosmetology?


Burden Rank State Education
1 Massachusetts 1000 clock hours
2 Kentucky 1800 clock hours
3 South Dakota 2100 clock hours
4 Nebraska 2100 clock hours

Do I need a license to do nails in Kansas?

Every body art applicant must take and pass the Kansas exam and meet the Board’s requirements for licensure. To apply for the examination, complete the out of state examination application and submit the application and the required documentation to the Board office.

What are the four qualifications to apply to get a license from the Kansas Board of Cosmetology?

To qualify for a cosmetology instructor’s license, the applicant must: (1) Be licensed as a cosmetologist under this act; (2) either (A) have practiced as a cosmetologist for one year prior to licensure and successfully completed 300 hours of instructor training or (B) have successfully completed 450 hours of …

What does TLDR mean in cosmetology?

August 9, 2021. Texans interested in serving as volunteer members of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) Barbering and Cosmetology Advisory Board have until September 15 to apply for one of nine slots on the board. Members will serve staggered six-year terms.

How do I become a permanent makeup artist in Kansas?

To become a permanent makeup artist in Kansas, you must work as an apprentice under a licensed body art practitioner. You must complete 50 procedures and document them appropriately. You also need eight hours of state-approved training in infection control and bloodborne pathogens.

What can estheticians do in Kansas?

In the state of Kansas a cosmetologist is someone who is licensed to perform services on hair, skin, and nails. An esthetician is an individual licensed to perform eyebrow and eyelash services, cleansing and noninvasive stimulating beauty services, temporary hair removal, and makeup applications.

What’s new in Kansas cosmetology?

HB 2161- Renaming the Kansas state board of cosmetology, creating new categories of licenses issued thereby and extending the board’s enforcement authority to non-licensees.

What are the hours of operation for a cosmetology school?

(1) Inspections shall be made only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. or anytime the practice or instruction of cosmetology, manicuring, or electrology is being conducted, unless agreed by all interested persons or entities. (2) Inspections may be conducted by board members, the executive director of the board, or employees of the board.

Is there a law book for cosmetology license in Kansas?

The Board provides the law book in several formats please refer to the Law Book Resources document to find the one that is right for you. Does Kansas have reciprocity with any other states? No. Every cosmetology profession applicant must complete the out of state application and meet the Board’s requirements for licensure.

Where do I go to get a cosmetology hearing in Kansas?

All hearings take place at the Kansas Board of Cosmetology office. Once a hearing request is received by the Board, you will receive acknowledgement of your request via mail. Hearings are scheduled on in-person Board meeting days per the Board Meeting Schedule.