Is endosperm a monocot or dicot?

Difference Between Monocots and Dicots Seeds:

Monocots Dicots
Thin and small, lacks food materials Fleshy and stores food
Endosperm is present and stores food The endosperm is absent and lacks food
Secondary cambium is absent Secondary cambium is present
Monocot leaves have parallel venation Dicot leaves have reticulate venation

Do monocots have endosperm?

All monocots have endospermic seeds.

How do you distinguish between a dicot and a monocot?


  • Monocots have one seed leaf while dicots have two embryonic leaves.
  • Monocots produce petals and flower parts that are divisible by threesà while dicots form around four to five parts.
  • Monocot stems are scattered while dicots are in the form of a ring.

Why endosperm is absent in dicot seed?

Endosperm is a nourishing tissue present in the seed which nourishes the developingembryo. In orchid seed endosperm is absent because it is used up during the time ofseed development. Nourishment for germinating seed is provided by the food material present in cotyledons.

Are dicot seeds endospermic?

Hint: A dicot seed is a non-endospermic seed in which food is stored in the two cotyledons during the development of the seed endosperm.

Why is there no endosperm in dicots?

The nutrition stored in the endosperm of dicots is absorbed by the two cotyledons. Hence, a very little endosperm is found in the seeds of dicots.

Why endosperm is absent in dicot?

Solution : Endosperm is formed in angiosperms due to double fertilization. It is, however, absent in certain seeds due to lack growth hormone.

Where is endosperm in dicots?

Both monocots and dicots have an endosperm. The radicle develops into the root. The endosperm is part of the embryo.

In which seeds endosperm is absent?

Orchid seed
Orchid seed is a non-endospermic seed, i.e., endosperm is absent in it. Endosperm is a nourishing tissue present in the seed which nourishes the developing embryo. In orchid seed endosperm is absent because it is used up during the time of seed development.

In which dicot seed endosperm is present?

In most monocot and some dicot seeds, the food reserve remains in the endosperm. They are called endospermic or albuminous seeds, e.g., cereals, castor bean, cocount, rubber….Endospermic seeds are found in.

Question Endospermic seeds are found in
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Which of the following is endosperm in dicot seed?

Example of plant having endospermic dicot seed is Ricinus communis (Castor). Example of plant having non-endospermic dicot seed is Pisum sativum (Pea).

Is there an endosperm in dicots?

Both monocots and dicots have an endosperm. The radicle develops into the root.