What are 2 examples of dialect?

A dialect (pronounced DIE-uh-lect) is any particular form of a language spoken by some group of people, such as southern English, Black English, Appalachian English, or even standard English.

What accent is spoken in Kent?

Kentish was a southern dialect of Old English spoken in the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Kent. It was one of four dialect-groups of Old English, the other three being Mercian, Northumbrian (known collectively as the Anglian dialects), and West Saxon.

Is there a Kentish accent?

Mention the Kentish accent to anyone and they’ll probably tell you it’s not too dissimilar from the way Londoners have spoken for generations. They’ll describe it as indistinct to much of the rest of the South East, the tongue known as Estuary English.

What is an example of dialect language?

The definition of a dialect is a variety of a language which has different pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary than the standard language of the culture. An example of dialect is Cantonese to the Chinese language.

How do you identify dialects?

Automatic Dialect Identification has attracted researchers in the field of speech signal processing. Dialect can be defined as the language characteristics of a specific community. As such, dialect can be recognized by a speaker’s phonemes, pronunciation, and traits such as tonality, loudness, and nasality.

Do people from Kent have a Cockney accent?

“There is no such thing as a Kent dialect or accent,” socio-linguist Dr David Hornsby boldly claims. Over time the Estuary English accent has swept across the county and the view is we don’t speak too differently to Londoners or people from Essex.

What is Kentish language?

dialect of Old English In Old English language. … Scotland; Mercian in central England; Kentish in southeastern England; and West Saxon in southern and southwestern England. Mercian and Northumbrian are often classed together as the Anglian dialects.

Is Kent accent posh?

In case you haven’t heard of it, Kent is the county just south of London, full of fields and peak rural views. A lot of people tend to group it with London, but it’s a far cry from the Big Smoke. It’s posher, has less pollution and no tube stations. So, how do you know if you’re in the presence of a Kentish creature?

What are some of the best works that incorporate Kentish dialect?

There are also a few other works, which incorporate some Kentish dialect, including Dame Hobday, and her grandson, and a whale, And Noah’s flood, and may other things! – A TALE, Edward Nairne, Sandwich, 1791 and Lays and Legends of the Weald of Kent, Lilian Winser, London, 1897.

What is the Kentish language?

Kentish was a southern dialect of Old English spoken in the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Kent. It was one of four dialect-groups of Old English, the other three being Mercian, Northumbrian (known collectively as the Anglian dialects ), and West Saxon .

What are some sayings about the county of Kent?

The first are sayings generally about Kent or Kentish inhabitants. Kent is famed for hops, fair maids and civility Kentshire, Hot as fire As great as the devil and the Earl of Kent Lythe as a lass of Kent Neither in Kent, nor Christendom A Knight of Cales* A Gentleman of Wales

What is Mayella’s dialect in to kill a Mockingbird?

Mayella’s dialect is as broad as Bob Ewell’s, representing the uneducated white community. She takes offence at Atticus’s forms of address ( ‘ma’am’ and ‘Miss Mayella’ – Chapter 18, pp. 187–8), his `mocking’ her, showing us that she has not been exposed to politeness and does not recognise basic social conventions.