What are metrics in MSTR?

Metrics in MicroStrategy are the calculations performed on data. They are the derived columns which show results such as sum or average of some numeric values of a column in source data. They are useful in creating custom calculations required by business.

How do you create a conditional metric in MicroStrategy?

To Create a Conditional Metric

  1. In MicroStrategy Developer, choose File > New > Metric.
  2. Create the metric formula by adding facts, attributes, metrics, operators, and/or functions.
  3. Click Condition on the Metric component pane.
  4. Select the filter or prompt to place on the metric using one of the following methods:

What is nested metric?

Nested metrics, or nested aggregation metrics, are a type of simple metric, where one aggregation function is enclosed inside another. For example: Avg(Sum(Revenue)) The inner function Sum calculates the total for the Revenue fact, and the outer function Avg calculates the average of that result.

What is filters in MicroStrategy?

FILTERS. Filters are conditions that the data must meet in order to be included in the report result set. You can specify filters based on attributes or metrics, as well as other objects within the report.

What is nested metric in MicroStrategy?

Nested Metric in MicroStrategy are the calculations in which one aggregation function is enclosed inside another. They are useful when in the data warehouse design, we do not have data stored at the required level of granularity. In such case, we create an inner formula and an outer formula.

What is nested prompt in MicroStrategy?

Microstrategy Analytics Nested prompts allows you to create one prompt based on the other and other bases on another, nested prompts allows us to prompt the highest level(Like year) to middle level(like Quarter, then to the low level(like Month).

What are different types of filters in Microstrategy?

Types of filters in Microstrategy

  • a) Metric set qualification.
  • b) Relationship set qualification.
  • Shortcut qualifications.
  • a) Shortcut-to-a-report qualification.

What are the different types of attributes in Microstrategy?

Various types of attributes in Microstrategy desktop include, Implicit Attributes. Compound Key Attribute. Derived Attributes….The types of Report Cache include,

  • Matching caches.
  • XML caches.
  • Matching-History caches.
  • History caches.

What are derived metrics?

Derived metrics are metrics that a report analyst can create based on existing metrics on the report. A derived metric performs a calculation on the fly with the data available on a report, without re-executing the report against the data source.

How do I create a nested prompt in MicroStrategy?

Prompt-in-prompt(Nested Prompts) in Microstrategy

  1. Create the highest level filter.
  2. Create a filter on attribute “Quarter” and click “Prompt.”
  3. Save this filter as “QUARTER FILTER:”
  4. Follow the same basic procedure as above to create a Month filter.
  5. Place only the lowest level filter in the filter section of the report.

How do I change the prompt order in MicroStrategy?

From the Data menu, choose Prompt Ordering. The Prompt Ordering dialog box opens. Select the prompt to modify and click the up or down arrows to change its order. Once the prompts are in the correct order (for the example, the order is Region and Call Center), click OK to return to the Document Editor.

What are prompts in Microstrategy?

Prompts allow a user to execute a report multiple times, selecting a different answer to a given prompt each time. This allows immediate comparisons. For example, create a filter with a prompt, such as for Year, then put the prompted filter on a report.