What does the brain stem do AP Psych?

The medulla controls automatic (involuntary) functions of the body, such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. The pons is part of the brainstem. It regulates several functions including hearing, equilibrium, taste and facial sensations and movements.

What brain areas are involved in language processing AP Psych?


Part of the Brain Function
Wernicke’s area Deals with understanding language
Broca’s area Deals with the production of language and speaking (Think: Broca Spoka)
Motor Cortex Controls voluntary movements such as raising your hand
Somatosensory Cortex Processes body touch and movement

How many parts of the brain are used in psychology?

The brain has three main parts: the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem.

How can I remember the amygdala?

Helpful mnemonic: Use “hippo-compass”: picture a hippo who is lost and can’t remember how to get home, so he’s using a compass. The amygdala regulates the emotions of fear and anger.

What does hippocampus mean in psychology?

Hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe. It has a major role in learning and memory. It is a plastic and vulnerable structure that gets damaged by a variety of stimuli. Studies have shown that it also gets affected in a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

How do different parts of the brain influence our behavior?

The frontal lobe is primarily responsible for thinking, planning, memory, and judgment. The parietal lobe is primarily responsible for bodily sensations and touch. The temporal lobe is primarily responsible for hearing and language. The occipital lobe is primarily responsible for vision.

What are the 10 parts of the brain?

Brain Part Number Brain Part; 1: amygdala: 4: cerebellum: 2: hippocampus: 5: basal ganglia: 3: language areas (Broca’s and Wernicke’s area) 6: hypothamalus

What are parts of the brain does a psychologist study?

Studying the brains of cadavers can lead to discoveries about brain structure,but these studies are limited due to the fact that the brain is no longer active.

  • Lesion studies are informative about the effects of lesions on different brain regions.
  • Electrophysiological recording may be used in animals to directly measure brain activity.
  • What parts of the brain are affected by epilepsy?

    – Simple focal seizures affect a small part of the brain. These seizures can cause twitching or a change in sensation, such as a strange taste or smell. – Complex focal seizures can make a person with epilepsy confused or dazed. – Secondary generalized seizures begin in one part of the brain, but then spread to both sides of the brain.

    What part of the brain causes criminal behavior?

    The amygdala — a part of the brain involved in fear, aggression and social interactions — is implicated in crime. Among the research that points to this link is a neuroimaging study led by Dustin Pardini, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh.