What happens when a dog gets poisoned by antifreeze?

In the first hours after ingestion, the pet may be depressed, stagger when moving, and have seizures. They may drink lots of water, urinate large amounts, and vomit. The pet may appear to feel better only to get much worse a day or two later as its kidneys fail. Signs of kidney failure include depression and vomiting.

How much ethylene glycol is lethal to dogs?

The minimum lethal dose of undiluted ethylene glycol for dogs is 4.4 mL/kg. For a dog of Max’s weight, 30.3 kg, the lethal dose would be 133.3 mL or roughly 4 fluid ounces (Grauer).

How do you treat ethylene glycol poisoning in dogs?

Treatment for ethylene glycol poisoning includes the antidote fomepizole (also known as 4-MP) or ethanol. Fomepizole is expensive but life-saving when administered to dogs within the first 8-12 hours of ingestion.

What do I do if my dog licked antifreeze?

Any amount of antifreeze is dangerous to dogs, even if it’s found in contaminated water such as puddles. Just a tablespoonful is potentially fatal. If you suspect your dog has drunk antifreeze then you should call your vet or, out of hours, your nearest Vets Now pet emergency clinic, straight away.

How do you treat a dog with antifreeze poisoning?

There is no time to lose in getting them to the emergency veterinarian. Once a pet shows signs of kidney damage, the prognosis is extremely poor. The bottom line is that if you suspect at all that your pet may have ingested antifreeze, go to the closest veterinary emergency room immediately.

How do you know if your dog has antifreeze poisoning?

Symptoms of Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs Central nervous system (CNS) signs may include depression, stumbling, a “drunken” gait (ataxia), muscle twitching, decreased reflexes, and trouble getting up/standing. You may also see vomiting, increased thirst (polydipsia), and increased urination (polyuria).