What is another word for inn?

In this page you can discover 27 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for inn, like: hotel, bar, hostelry, bed-and-breakfast, lodge, roadhouse, khan, inns of court, tavern, motel and resort.

What is another name for country style?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for country-style, like: , sirdar, handwoven, rustic-style, period style, decor, chintzy, provençal and null.

What is countryside house called?

A small house, typically in the country and occupied seasonally. lodge. cabin. cottage. chalet.

What are synonyms for countryside?

synonyms for countryside

  • environment.
  • land.
  • landscape.
  • scenery.
  • surroundings.
  • terrain.
  • country.
  • setting.

What is a small inn called?

A boutique hotel is a small hotel which typically has between 10 and 100 rooms in settings with upscale accommodations and individualized unique selling points (USPs).

What does inn mean?

Definition of inn (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : an establishment for the lodging and entertaining of travelers. b : tavern. 2 : a residence formerly provided for British students in London and especially for students of law. inn.

What is a native country?

: the country in which one was born.

What is a synonym for a villa?

home, house, lodging(s), pad, place.

What is another word for outskirts?

In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for outskirts, like: outpost, limit, boundary, fringes, edges, suburbs, environs, downtown, sticks, edge and center.

What do you call a fancy hotel?

Five-star hotels are properties that offer their guests the highest levels of luxury through personalized services, a vast range of amenities, and sophisticated accommodations.