What is best diagnostic tool to identify the nature of the mass in the nasopharynx?

Endoscopy plays a key role in detecting the early NPC lesions, and endoscopic biopsy enables their definitive diagnosis. Early lesions usually occur on the lateral wall or roof of the nasopharynx.

What were your symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer?

Symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer You might first notice a lump in your neck. You might have trouble hearing in one ear. You might have nosebleeds, headaches, blurred vision, or ringing in one or both ears. You might notice a change in the way one side of your face feels.

What type of cancer is nasopharyngeal?

Nasopharyngeal cancer is a type of head and neck cancer. It starts in the nasopharynx, the upper part of the throat behind the nose and near the base of skull. Cancer starts when cells begin to grow out of control. Cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer, and can spread to other areas.

Can MRI detect nasopharyngeal?

MRIs can be used to try to find out if the cancer has grown into structures near the nasopharynx. MRIs are a little better than CT scans at showing the soft tissues in the nose and throat, but they’re not quite as good for looking at the bones at the base of the skull, a common place for NPC to grow.

What is EBV EA IgA?

EBV is an important non-invasive index for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. EA-IgA, SA, VCA-IgA , and Rta-IgG expression levels are high in nasopharyngeal patients. The combination of those serum indexes may improve the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

Can a CT scan detect nasopharyngeal cancer?

Computed tomography (CT) scan CT scans or MRIs are important in looking for cancer that may have grown into the bones at the base of the skull. This is a common place for nasopharyngeal cancer to grow. CT scans can also be used to look for tumors in other parts of the body.

Does CT scan show nasopharynx?

If a tumor starts under the lining of the nasopharynx (in the tissue called the submucosa), the doctor may not be able to see it. Because of this, imaging tests, like CT or MRI scans (see below), may be needed.

Quel est le traitement du cancer du cavum?

Le traitement du cancer du cavum dépend du type de cancer et du stade auquel il a été diagnostiqué. La plupart des cancers du cavum sont des cancers naso-pharyngiens indifférenciés très sensibles à la radiothérapie, cependant le traitement est souvent lourd et non dénué d’ effets secondaires, notamment :

Quels sont les différents types de tumeur?

Tumeur – T0 – TIS – T1 = tumeur limitée à une région – T2 = tumeur touchant deux régions du cavum – T3 = tumeur étendue aux FN et/ou à l’oropharynx – T4 = tumeur dépassant les limites du cavum avec ostéolyse de BDC et /ou atteinte des nerfs crâniens .

Quels sont les symptômes d’une tumeur?

En grossissant, les tumeurs peuvent comprimer les structures annexes et provoquer des symptômes très variés au niveau de la sphère ORL. des troubles du goût et/ou de l’ odorat. des douleurs au niveau des oreilles. présence d’ adénopathies cervicales.