What is Cryo ophthalmic unit?

Cryotherapy machines, also known as cryosurgery machines, continue to be widely used for surgical procedures of the eye such as retinal detachment repair, cataract extraction, glaucoma and so on. Cryotherapy machines (Figure 1) control the release of a compressed gas, stored under high pressure in a cylinder.

How is Cryopexy performed?

Cryopexy to correct a disorder of the retina is performed using local anesthesia. The treatment is performed on-site at our retina center. During the treatment, a metal probe is placed against the eye. The tip of the probe becomes very cold as the practitioner places pressure on the foot pedal control.

Does cryotherapy for the eye hurt?

You will remain awake and comfortable during the procedure. Most patients experience some pressure on your eye from where the probe is during the freeze application. Less common are feelings of cold and/or slight pain during the procedure (similar to a “brain freeze” or “ice-cream headache”).

What happens after cryotherapy for retinal tear?

Recovery after Cryotherapy Eyesight may be slightly blurred for the first few days with an increased sensitivity to light, but these symptoms will subside naturally. It is normal for the treated eye to have noticeable redness or puffiness for the first 10 to 14days after undergoing cryotherapy.

Does Cryopexy hurt?

During the procedure, you may feel slight pressure or discomfort. Your retina surgeon will talk to you during the procedure to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible. You may experience redness, swelling or blurry vision in the treated eye and should arrange for someone to drive you home.

How long does it take eye to heal after laser surgery for retinal tear?

For those that have recently undergone laser surgery for a retinal tear or detachment, the healing process could take anywhere from one week to four weeks. It normally takes a full week for the laser treatment to fully seal the tear and prevent detachment, but things can still go wrong once sealed.

Can retinal scarring be fixed?

Scarring cannot usually be safely removed. This means that, even if the underlying cause is successfully treated, vision remains obstructed or distorted. The presence of scarring can also prohibit qualification for clinical trials of future treatments like stem cell transplantation and genetic replacement.

When can I lay on my back after retinal detachment surgery?

Do not lie flat on your back until the gas has been fully absorbed: this can be up to eight weeks; this varies depending on the concentration and type of gas we have used.

What do you do after Cryopexy?

Full healing from cryopexy typically takes around 10–14 days. During this time, discomfort can be alleviated with medications and the use of a cold compress. Patients are advised to gently cleanse their eyelids every morning by using warm water and cotton balls or tissues.