What is heparin nomogram?

Conclusions—The heparin nomogram is a user-friendly method of maintaining heparin infusions and is associated with improved anticoagulation measures, fewer total complications related to heparin therapy, fewer mistakes in heparin dosage adjustment, and decreased labor on the part of house staff and nursing staff.

What is a heparin dosing nomogram?

A nomogram for the adjustment of heparin dosage was developed to standardize heparin therapy and to reduce delays in achieving and maintaining a therapeutic activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) result.

How fast can you push IV heparin?

1,000-2,000 units/hour by intravenous infusion, or 5,000-10,000 units 4-hourly by intravenous injection. Elderly: Dosage reduction may be advisable.

How do you titrate heparin?

18 units X 75 kg = 1350 units/hour Step 2: Calculate the starting rate of the Infusion (solve for X).

  1. Heparin Infusion Rate: 25,000 units = 1350 units/hour.
  2. 500ml.
  3. X (ml/hour)
  4. 25,000 units (X ml/hr) = 675,000.
  5. X ml/hr = 675,000.
  6. 25,000.
  7. X = 27 ml/hour.

How do you bolus heparin?

Bolus dose Preparation: Heparin Sodium Injection 1,000 units/ml. Dose: prescribe 5000 units as stat dose: 5mls of 1,000 units/ml. If bolus dose is not to be administered or was administered previously (e.g. Cath Lab), the prescriber should sign in the administration chart to signify this.

What happens if you push IV antibiotics too fast?

IV medications, if given too quickly or incorrectly, can cause significant harm or death. Doses of short-acting medication can be titrated according to patient responses to drug therapy. Medication can be prepared quickly and given over a shorter period of time compared to the IV piggyback route.

Why do we titrate heparin?

This method allows for more timely adjustments to dosages and eliminates the need for a physician’s order for every dose adjustment. Use protocols, such as a weight-based heparin protocol, that provide complete directions for titrating doses.

How do you adjust heparin?

Use the following Nomograms for adjusting Heparin Drip Rates:

  1. A) LOW BLEEDING RISK (FORMERLY KNOWN AS STANDARD BLEEDING RISK PATIENTS): Goal PTT 79-118 seconds. PTT. Rebolus or Hold. Rate Adjustment. Recheck PTT.
  2. 119-135. NONE. ↓ 1 units/kg/hr. 6hrs. > 136. HOLD 60 minutes.
  3. 104-116. NONE. ↓ 1 units/kg/hr. 6hrs. > 117. HOLD 60 minutes.