What is Intersphincteric fistula tract?
The ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) technique is a recently developed approach for the treatment of fistula-in-ano. This procedure involves the secure closure of the internal and external opening and removal of infected cryptoglandular tissue via an intersphincteric approach [8, 9].
What are the four types of fistula?
Enterocutaneous fistula: between the small intestine and the epidermis. Rectovaginal fistula: between the rectum and vagina. Urethrovaginal fistula: between the urethra and vagina. Vesicouterine fistula: between the bladder and uterus.
What causes fistula tract?
An anal fistula most often happens from an anal gland that has developed a pus-filled infection (abscess). A fistula can also happen with certain conditions, such as Crohn’s disease. Or it may happen after radiation therapy for cancer. Injury to the anal canal and surgery can also cause anal fistulas.
How do you treat a fistula tract?
- Fistulotomy. This procedure opens up the fistula in a way that allows it to heal from the inside out.
- Filling the fistula with a special glue or plug. This is a newer type of treatment that closes the inner opening of the fistula.
- Reconstructive surgery or surgery that is done in stages.
- Seton placement.
What are the two types of fistulas?
Types of Fistulas: Rectovaginal or Anovaginal Fistula occurs when a hole develops between the rectum or anus and the vagina. Colovaginal Fistula occurs between the colon and the vagina.
What doctor treats fistula?
Surgery to close a fistula may be done by a gynecologic surgeon, a colorectal surgeon or both working as a team.
What is an anorectal fistula?
Anorectal fistula 1 drainage of pus from an opening in the skin around the anus 2 swelling and pain near the anus that may come and go, sometimes with redness or fever 3 anal pain More
What is the pathophysiology of anal fistula?
Overview. Most anal fistulas are the result of an infection that starts in an anal gland. This infection results in an abscess that drains spontaneously or is drained surgically through the skin next to the anus. The fistula then forms a tunnel under the skin and connects with the infected gland. Surgery is usually needed to treat anal fistula.
Is anocutaneous flap repair necessary for complex perianal fistula?
Purpose: The treatment of intersphincteric and low transsphincteric fistula is well defined, but controversy remains around the management of complex perianal fistula. This study was designed to assess the utility of anocutaneous flap repair in complex types of perianal fistula.
What is a fistula in the body?
A fistula is an abnormal passageway, or tunnel, in the body. An internal fistula is an abnormal tunnel between two internal organs. An external fistula is an abnormal tunnel between an internal organ and the outside of the body.