What is iOS localization?

Localization is the process of making your app support other languages. In many cases, you make your app with English user interface first and then localize the app to other languages such as Japanese. The process of localization is tedious, and steps of it change little by little as XCode gets updated.

How do I localize my iOS app?

Part I: Setting up your iOS localization app

  1. Step 1: Create an Xcode iOS application.
  2. Step 2: Create a Localizable.
  3. Step 3: Adding languages.
  4. Step 4: Working with iOS app localization.
  5. A tip for easier testing.
  6. Step 1: Create a project in Lokalise.
  7. Step 2: Upload your files or add new keys.
  8. Step 3: Invite team members.

How do I enable localization?

Right click your project folder, select ‘New File…’ > ‘Strings File’ , and name it as InfoPlist. strings. Then check all the language you want to localize in the “Localization” section. For app name, the key is “CFBundleDisplayName”.

How do I enable localization in Xcode?

Add Localizations In the project editor, select the project name under Project, and click Info. Under Localizations, click the Add button (+), then choose a language and region combination from the pop-up menu.

What is localization in app?

App localization refers to the process of adapting the interface and functionality of a mobile application to suit foreign language markets. The goal of mobile app localization is an app that: Takes linguistic, cultural and technical differences into consideration.

What is Localisation in Swift?

Add localization files to your Xcode project iOS will automatically recognize this file as a translation file, which will contains all your translations. This file works with key value pairs, with each key representing a string, one file per language. That’s these keys that will then replace strings in your code.

What is app localization?

​Localization is the process of adapting a product or service to a particular language, culture, market, and desired local look-and-feel.

How do I change localization internally in iOS app Swift?

  1. The swift 3 version : func localized(lang:String) ->String { let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: lang, ofType: “lproj”) let bundle = Bundle(path: path!) return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: bundle!,
  2. Congrats, this is by far the best solution I’ve come across.

How do I change localization internally in iOS App Swift?

Why is localization important?

Localization will increase customer satisfaction Localizing your content will show your commitment to your customers. If you are addressing your customer’s needs in a way they understand and are comfortable with, they are more likely to buy your product or service.

How do I localize an app in Swift?


  1. Add localization files to your Xcode project.
  2. Localize your strings and images.
  3. Localize storyboard content.
  4. Localize your App Name and your Authorization request messages.
  5. Adapt dates, times, numbers, currencies, units to language and regional specificities.
  6. Ensure support of RTL (Right to Left) languages.

How to do iOS localization on a small budget?

“Base” Localization. There is also a concept called a “Base” localization.

  • Setting up a Localized Project.
  • Handoff (And Hand-Back) to the Translator.
  • Automatically Generating a Localized Strings File.
  • Making Updates…the Annoying Way.
  • Making Updates….the Better Way.
  • Final Thoughts.
  • How to set localization?

    Let’s go to the design window and drag three textboxes,three labels,and three buttons.

  • In the XAML file,first add the namespace declaration to use localize resources xmlns:p = “clr-namespace:WPFLocalization.Properties”
  • Set the properties of all the controls as shown below.
  • How to programming with localization?

    objective-c, localization. NSLocalizedString will replace the string on the left hand side with the string on the right hand side. The string on the right hand side must obviously be the correct string for the situation, the string on the left hand side can be anything you want. You could use keys…

    How to localize iOS app?

    Investigate Market Factors. Market-specific demographics,such as population,language,and purchasing power,can help you better understand areas that might have an affinity or need for your app.

  • Use App Analytics To Determine Potential Markets.
  • Consider Local Culture and Customs.