What is the coldest month in Murfreesboro Tennessee?

The coldest month of the year in Murfreesboro is January, with an average low of 31°F and high of 48°F.

How many inches of snow did Murfreesboro TN get?

4.1 in
Climate Averages

Murfreesboro, Tennessee United States
Snowfall 4.1 in. 27.8 in.
Precipitation 115.8 days 106.2 days
Sunny 210 days 205 days
Avg. July High 89.3° 85.8°

What was the high temperature in Murfreesboro TN today?

High 84F. A few clouds from time to time. Slight chance of a rain shower. Low 64F.

Did Murfreesboro TN get hit by tornado?

At least 5 people were killed by tornadoes including three in Mena, Arkansas and two in Murfreesboro, Tennessee just south of Nashville. A total of 85 tornadoes were confirmed over the two days….Tornado outbreak of April 9–11, 2009.

Damage from the EF4 Murfreesboro tornado
Tornadoes confirmed 85 confirmed
Max. rating1 EF4 (Murfreesboro, TN) tornado

Is Murfreesboro TN a good place to retire?

Murfreesboro was ranked in the top 20 of Time Magazine’s “Best Places to Live in America.” Coming in at number 19, Murfreesboro was deemed “quaint” by the magazine. Details of how the Public Square brings the beloved downtown to life, and a mention of the annual Main Street JazzFest were spotlighted.

How much does it cost to live in Murfreesboro TN?

Murfreesboro cost of living is 100.6

COST OF LIVING Murfreesboro Tennessee
Grocery 99.7 95.4
Health 94.9 101.9
Housing 106.7 71.2
Median Home Cost $311,400 $231,600

How much rain did Murfreesboro get today?

Records and Stats

Today 0.00 in (0.00 in last hour) 5 days since last rain on 07-May-2022 8:36am
Today 29.963 inHg at 1:04am 62.3 °F at 5:26am
Yest. 29.956 inHg at 6:50pm 65.3 °F at 6:21am
Month 29.557 inHg on 06-May-2022 51.2 °F on 08-May-2022

What was the temperature in Murfreesboro yesterday?

Murfreesboro Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours

Time Temp Barometer
10:56 pm 68 °F 29.97 “Hg
9:56 pm 67 °F 29.96 “Hg
8:56 pm 70 °F 29.97 “Hg

Where is Tornado Alley in Tennessee?

Tennessee is not part of Tornado Alley but it is a part of Dixie Alley, a term coined to describe the southeastern parts of the United States that have a higher risk of developing tornados.

Why are people moving to Murfreesboro TN?

Murfreesboro has a great cost of living and a growing economic base. It offers a rare combination of outdoor beauty, warm weather, music, and dancing. Enjoy the midsize town feel, with Nashville only an hour away. This can be a lovely place to build a life.

What is the cheapest city to live in Tennessee?

The 5 Most Affordable Places to Live in Tennessee

  • Murfreesboro.
  • Smyrna.
  • Johnson City.
  • Clarksville.
  • Chattanooga.