What is the conjugation of Competir?

Mode: Indicative

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo compito
Tu compites
El/Ella compite
Nosotros competimos

How do you conjugate encontrar?

Encontrar is a Spanish irregular verb meaning to find….Encontrar Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo encuentro
él/ella encuentra
ns. encontramos
vs. encontráis

What is the stem change for encontrar?

The present conjugations of encontrar and encontrarse When it comes to verb conjugations, the verb encontrar is known as a stem-changing o:ue verb. This means that the o becomes a ue in the majority of present conjugations.

What is the present tense of servir?

For example, “sirvo”, meaning “I serve”….Servir in the Indicative Present.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo sirvo I serve
sirves you serve
Ella / Él / Usted sirve s/he serve, you (formal) serve

What is the present participle of servir?

the present of the verb estar + the present participle of servir, which is sirviendo.

Is encontrar a regular or irregular verb in the preterite?

regular ar verb
Encontrar is conjugated as a regular ar verb in the preterite tense. Encontrar appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the 4th most used regular ar verb. For the present tense conjugation, go to Encontrar Conjugation – Present Tense.

Is encontrar followed by a?

When it comes to verb conjugations, the verb encontrar is known as a stem-changing o:ue verb. This means that the o becomes a ue in the majority of present conjugations….The present conjugations of encontrar and encontrarse.

Person Encontrar
Yo Encuentro
Él / Ella Encuentra
Nosotros Encontramos

What is the present tense of Preferir?

Subject Pronoun Present Simple Translation
yo prefiero I prefer
prefieres you prefer
él/ella usted prefiere he/she prefers you (formal) prefer
nosotros/ nosotras preferimos we prefer