What is the correct HTML code for inserting a background color?

1 Answer. The correct answer to this question “What is the correct HTML for adding a background color” is option (b). . This is the correct HTML command that is used for adding a background color of choice.

How do I change the background color in HTML without style?

Using bgcolor attribute Step 1: Firstly, we have to type the Html code in any text editor or open the existing Html file in the text editor in which we want to use the bgcolor attribute for changing the background color of that Html page. Step 2: Now, move the cursor within the starting tag in our Html document.

How do I set a background image in HTML?

Firstly,we have to type the Html code in any text editor or open the existing Html file in the text editor in which we want to use

  • Now,we have to place the cursor in the head tag,just after the closing of title tag in the Html document and then define the starting and
  • Now,we have to type the element body in the style tag.
  • How to implement a background image in HTML?

    <!Doctype Html>

  • <Html>
  • <Head>
  • <Title>
  • Add the Background image using background attribute
  • </Title>
  • </Head>
  • <Body background=”https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sTxAHAxirGM/WVbAe2098nI/AAAAAAABENs/_I5sYMYgLOUzaIE7FfF4qdGX-hoAkq9SgCLcBGAs/s1600/Blog_20170624_113552.jpg”>
  • JavaTpoint
  • Html Tutorial
  • How to set background color in HTML?

    – Define it. Visible displays should feature edited, curated content, said Marrs. – Light it. “Proper lighting makes everything look more dramatic,” Marrs said. – Paint it. Dropping a dramatic color on the wall behind a collection is a simple way to make a huge impact, Marrs said. – Control it. When purchasing LED lights, make sure they’re dimmable. – Stage it.

    How do I stretch a background image in HTML?

    To stretch a background image in HTML, use the CSS background-size property or the background shorthand property. Here’s what the image looks like at its original size: The above example uses the background-size property to stretch the background image to 100% of the width, and 110% of the height, of its container.