How add Facebook SDK in PHP?

Manually Installation First, download the source code and unzip it wherever you like in your project. Then include the autoloader provided in the SDK at the top of your script. require_once __DIR__ . ‘/path/to/php-graph-sdk/src/Facebook/autoload.

What is Facebook PHP SDK?

Facebook PHP SDK (v.3.2.3) (DEPRECATED) The Facebook Platform is a set of APIs that make your app more social. This repository contains the open source PHP SDK that allows you to access Facebook Platform from your PHP app.

How can I post from my website to Facebook?

You can add quick and simple ways for people to post content from your website to Facebook….Share Content

  1. Share dialog, which gives people the most flexibility. They can choose where they want to share, including in groups and private messages on Messenger.
  2. Send dialog.
  3. Feed dialog.

How do I add business SDK to Facebook?

To update to the Facebook Business SDK from the Marketing API follow these steps….Nodejs

  1. Update facebook-nodejs-ads-sdk to facebook-nodejs-business-sdk:v8. 0.2.
  2. Update all references of the package name facebook-nodejs-ads-sdk , such as require(‘facebook-nodejs-ads-sdk’) , to facebook-nodejs-business-sdk.
  3. Run npm install.

What is Facebook business SDK?

The Facebook Business SDK is a one-stop shop to help our partners better serve their businesses. Partners are using multiple Facebook API’s to server the needs of their clients. Adopting all these API’s and keeping them up to date across the various platforms can be time consuming and ultimately prohibitive.

Can you use HTML in Facebook posts?

Only tags you can use in a status or post, are facebook pages and friends . Messages/chat used to have options of bold and underline, but not anymore. And no html tags anywhere on fb are supported. You can use Facebook Notes, if you want to add formatting to text.

How do I link HTML to Facebook?


  1. Choose URL or Page. Pick the URL of a website or Facebook Page you want to share.
  2. Code Configurator. Paste the URL to the Code Configurator and adjust the layout of your share button.
  3. Copy & Paste HTML snippet. Copy and past the snippet into the HTML of the destination website.